the media business: advertising -- addenda; accounts
Written by stuart elliottmay 1994, this is a digital version of an article from The Times Print Archive, before its online publication began in 1996.
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* Cobra Golf Company.
Carlsbad, California.
Ground Zero in Venice, California
The creation of brand positioning activities was previously handled on a project-based basis.
The bill is estimated at $4 million to $5 million.
* Honeywell Environmental air control
Go to Richardson, miles, and donorfrio in Baltimore to process their ambient air cleaning account, which was previously at the Reeves agency in Baltimore.
The bill is estimated at $4 million.
* Landis & Gyr Powers Inc.
Buffalo Grove, sick.
Gennera to Knab & Co
Chicago, which handles the company\'s accounts, is responsible for building management and control.
The account was previously processed by various agencies on a project basis.
The bill is estimated at $2 million.
* MBf card International, Hong Kong, Bozer Limited
As the first agency for credit card company accounts, Hong Kong.
The bill is estimated at $1 million.
A version of this article was printed on page 8 of the national version of DTMF on May 9, 1994, with the title: Media Business: Advertising--ADDENDA; Accounts.
To keep these articles as they appear initially, the Times will not change, edit, or update them.
There are occasional copywriting errors or other problems during the digitization process.
Please send a report of such issues to archid_feedback @ nytimes. com.
* Cobra Golf Company.
Carlsbad, California.
Ground Zero in Venice, California
The creation of brand positioning activities was previously handled on a project-based basis.
The bill is estimated at $4 million to $5 million.
* Honeywell Environmental air control
Go to Richardson, miles, and donorfrio in Baltimore to process their ambient air cleaning account, which was previously at the Reeves agency in Baltimore.
The bill is estimated at $4 million.
* Landis & Gyr Powers Inc.
Buffalo Grove, sick.
Gennera to Knab & Co
Chicago, which handles the company\'s accounts, is responsible for building management and control.
The account was previously processed by various agencies on a project basis.
The bill is estimated at $2 million.
* MBf card International, Hong Kong, Bozer Limited
As the first agency for credit card company accounts, Hong Kong.
The bill is estimated at $1 million.
A version of this article was printed on page 8 of the national version of DTMF on May 9, 1994, with the title: Media Business: Advertising--ADDENDA; Accounts.