the five biggest mistakes house owners make when installing a whole house fan.
The first big problem: traveling to the local big box hardware store, buying a house fan without first studying the house fan is the biggest mistake that homeowners can make when installing the whole house fan.
If you assume that you have a full house fan of the right size, the best manufacturer, or all the information you need to install the full House loft fan yourself, you will most likely call someone to correct your practiceit-
My own mistakes.
Solution 1: hire a power service company with a good reputation for installing a full house fan.
Although the project may be relatively small, there is a lot more to do with it than just cutting off the vent and turning on the fan.
A reputable electrical union knows: no matter if you have enough loft ventilation, what size of fan to use, where to place the air inlet, when is the best time to use a fan to maximize its benefits.
The second big problem: installing the attic fan of the whole house without proper tools, proper insulation and proper placement of the main air intake is a big mistake.
Solution 2: Qualified electricians will always recommend home fans with built-in insulation.
In the winter months, it is important that the fan of the whole House, the attic fan housing of the whole House, the opening of the vent, the attic vent has the correct insulation, so you don\'t lose money for escaping the warm air.
In addition, a reputable electrical union knows that the attic fan of the whole house must be placed in a position where the maximum airflow allowed to enter the attic from the window.
The third big mistake: buying the cheapest fan from the hardware store is definitely a huge mistake.
Fan is a cheap investment compared to HVAC.
The cheaper model is not insulated, has a universal fan assembly and has a loud sound.
The last thing the homeowner needs is to hear the sound of the rocket taking off in your house, or to hear the squeaky fan motor every time the fan is turned on.
Solution 3: buy a quality full house loft fan with good reviews and good records.
A quick search on several consumer product reviews sites will guide you in the right direction.
In addition, please consult your reputable electrician.
They may carry a full house loft fan of some brand they trust, which has a high reputation for being a premium product.
Don\'t buy a brand that doesn\'t have past performance or praise from many people.
The fourth error :(
This is a big problem! )
Installing an overall fan that is too big for the house is one of the biggest mistakes homeowners can make.
If there is no proper attic ventilation, too large a house fan may suck all the hot air into the attic from home and then push the hot air down into the home through wall switches, ceiling lights, power outlets, HVAC vents.
In fact, the whole house loft fan, which is too big for the house, can make it hotter rather than colder.
Solution 4: before installing the whole house fan, consult a qualified electrician to select the model suitable for home use.
If you don\'t have enough loft ventilation, there are a few simple steps you can take to provide ventilation.
Ridge vents, gable vents, soffit vents and whirly gig are all cheap options for attic ventilation.
A good electrical contractor will also work with a licensed builder who, if not anywhere, can usually add proper attic ventilation in about a day.
Typically, a smaller overall fan will cool the house more efficiently than a larger fan, which is often excessive.
The goal of the whole house fan is to balance the airflow.
With the constant flow of air throughout the house, it will remain cool and the required energy will be reduced.
Also, the smaller house fan means less installation work, which is always an added benefit.
The fifth Big mistake: closing the window to operate the attic fan of the whole house is a very dangerous thing.
The function of the house fan is to breathe in cooler air from the outside of the house through open windows, and pull the warm air into the attic and drain it from the attic vent.
If the window is closed, it is very likely that air will be drawn from the water heater or the diverter at the top of the boiler.
This means that toxic carbon monoxide can be pushed into the living space, causing dangerous situations.
Solution 5: Be sure to open the window before opening the house fan!
The fan is not there.
Circulation of air throughout the house.
Its main function is to cool down the house and provide a cheaper eco-environment
More friendly cooling solution than HVAC.
In fact, properly installed whole house fans can make the average size of the house a tenth of the cost of cooling the air conditioner.
If you assume that you have a full house fan of the right size, the best manufacturer, or all the information you need to install the full House loft fan yourself, you will most likely call someone to correct your practiceit-
My own mistakes.
Solution 1: hire a power service company with a good reputation for installing a full house fan.
Although the project may be relatively small, there is a lot more to do with it than just cutting off the vent and turning on the fan.
A reputable electrical union knows: no matter if you have enough loft ventilation, what size of fan to use, where to place the air inlet, when is the best time to use a fan to maximize its benefits.
The second big problem: installing the attic fan of the whole house without proper tools, proper insulation and proper placement of the main air intake is a big mistake.
Solution 2: Qualified electricians will always recommend home fans with built-in insulation.
In the winter months, it is important that the fan of the whole House, the attic fan housing of the whole House, the opening of the vent, the attic vent has the correct insulation, so you don\'t lose money for escaping the warm air.
In addition, a reputable electrical union knows that the attic fan of the whole house must be placed in a position where the maximum airflow allowed to enter the attic from the window.
The third big mistake: buying the cheapest fan from the hardware store is definitely a huge mistake.
Fan is a cheap investment compared to HVAC.
The cheaper model is not insulated, has a universal fan assembly and has a loud sound.
The last thing the homeowner needs is to hear the sound of the rocket taking off in your house, or to hear the squeaky fan motor every time the fan is turned on.
Solution 3: buy a quality full house loft fan with good reviews and good records.
A quick search on several consumer product reviews sites will guide you in the right direction.
In addition, please consult your reputable electrician.
They may carry a full house loft fan of some brand they trust, which has a high reputation for being a premium product.
Don\'t buy a brand that doesn\'t have past performance or praise from many people.
The fourth error :(
This is a big problem! )
Installing an overall fan that is too big for the house is one of the biggest mistakes homeowners can make.
If there is no proper attic ventilation, too large a house fan may suck all the hot air into the attic from home and then push the hot air down into the home through wall switches, ceiling lights, power outlets, HVAC vents.
In fact, the whole house loft fan, which is too big for the house, can make it hotter rather than colder.
Solution 4: before installing the whole house fan, consult a qualified electrician to select the model suitable for home use.
If you don\'t have enough loft ventilation, there are a few simple steps you can take to provide ventilation.
Ridge vents, gable vents, soffit vents and whirly gig are all cheap options for attic ventilation.
A good electrical contractor will also work with a licensed builder who, if not anywhere, can usually add proper attic ventilation in about a day.
Typically, a smaller overall fan will cool the house more efficiently than a larger fan, which is often excessive.
The goal of the whole house fan is to balance the airflow.
With the constant flow of air throughout the house, it will remain cool and the required energy will be reduced.
Also, the smaller house fan means less installation work, which is always an added benefit.
The fifth Big mistake: closing the window to operate the attic fan of the whole house is a very dangerous thing.
The function of the house fan is to breathe in cooler air from the outside of the house through open windows, and pull the warm air into the attic and drain it from the attic vent.
If the window is closed, it is very likely that air will be drawn from the water heater or the diverter at the top of the boiler.
This means that toxic carbon monoxide can be pushed into the living space, causing dangerous situations.
Solution 5: Be sure to open the window before opening the house fan!
The fan is not there.
Circulation of air throughout the house.
Its main function is to cool down the house and provide a cheaper eco-environment
More friendly cooling solution than HVAC.
In fact, properly installed whole house fans can make the average size of the house a tenth of the cost of cooling the air conditioner.