panasonic achieves the cumulative global production of 200 million*1 ventilating fans
OSAKA, Japan —
Panasonic announced that Panasonic ecosystem, Ltd. (PESES)
A Panasonic group company focusing on indoor air quality (IAQ)
In December 2018, 0. 2 billion ventilation fans were produced worldwide.
It has been 60 years since the first ventilation fan was manufactured in 1958.
Since its inception in 1909, PESES has been working to improve indoor air quality by providing ventilation fans, electric fans and air purifiers.
The company produces more than 7 million ventilation fans of its flagship product every year.
PESES serve them in more than 40 countries and regions, using their experience and technology gained in Japan to contribute to the improvement of the world IAQ.
In December 2018, Panasonic produced 200 fans worldwide.
The ventilation fan was originally referred to as the \"exhaust fan\", and its use was limited to facilities such as cinemas and hospitals.
The predecessor of Kawakita Denki Kigyosha began distributing fans to the hospital in 1928.
According to 1956 requirement of Japanese housing company(
At present, the Urban Rehabilitation Society)
In 1958, the company developed and released the \"first ventilation fan\" designed for public housing.
Therefore, the history of the product begins with a ventilation fan that drains smoke and smells from the kitchen.
In the 1970 s, increasing awareness of global environmental protection, energy efficiency and the need for home comfort led toInsulated House.
In order to solve the resulting condensation problem and require central home ventilation, PESES responded by developing an energy recovery ventilator system.
In 2003, 24-all rooms are required by law-
Ventilation for one hour to prevent sick building syndrome.
PESES is one of the first companies to launch a 24-24 series of products and systems
Support services for hourly ventilation and ventilation design are provided.
From about 2008, there are pollen, yellow dust, pm2. 5 and other particles in the outdoor air.
5 affects people\'s lives and increases the general interest in first-class ventilation systems.
Unlike the traditional class 3 system, the class 1 ventilation system simply discharges stale indoor air, allowing the first purification of outdoor air and then the air to be delivered indoors using mechanical ventilation.
With the government pushing for the construction of net zero-energy homes, residential design in Japan is also changing.
The demand for houses is also growing, where people can live peacefully for many years.
People spend a lot of time indoors, so \"smart healthy ventilation\" is used as a way to improve indoor air quality and provide high
Air quality.
Therefore, primary ventilation with an energy recovery ventilator system is being promoted.
PESES has been introducing new products and opening up new markets in China, North America, Asia and the Middle East, and its technology and products are at the heart of its business experience in Japan.
Peses by 1981 in Hong Kong, 1993 in, China, 1996 in Thailand, 2016 in Mexico established factory and in Malaysia, Indonesia and India operation factory established the local production plan.
China is the largest production base outside Japan.
It develops and manufactures products for China to achieve a fast and efficient supply of products to meet the needs of local customers.
The factory is also a global production base to develop and manufacture products for other countries.
In Asia, PESES sell a wide range of products it develops and manufactures to suit the features of each region.
The company started providing ventilation fans in North America in 1993 and expanded its business through energy-famous products
Efficiency, quiet and long timelife.
In order to raise public awareness of the importance of air quality, PESES will continue to promote the improvement of IAQ by providing IAQ products to customers around the world.
* 1 cumulative output of global ventilation fans from 1958 to December 2018.
* 2 production in Hong Kong was transferred to China and ended on 2001.
At present, PESES do not produce ventilator in Hong Kong.
While meeting the needs of the times, Panasonic ecosystem has been leading the ventilation fan industry by introducing new products to the world.
The company also operates factories overseas, building on the ventilation technology developed in Japan, by providing products designed to meet the needs of each country, making a global contribution to improving indoor air quality.
Since the export of electric fans in 1918, Panasonic ecosystem has been committed to contributing globally through its environmental business.
The company\'s factory and sales offices are centered in North America, China and Asia, promoting indoor air quality worldwide by providing products suitable for each country\'s climate and living environment.
Since the Panasonic ecosystem launched the ventilation fan business in North America in 1993, it has taken the lead in launching energy-
Efficient, quiet, longlife ceiling-
Install a ventilation fan and distribute it as a whisper series.
The company won the highest energy star award, the energy star Partner of the US energy industry\'s annual Excellence Award
Efficient Product Certification Program, proving its strong and mature presence in the high-end marketvalue-
Business unit increased.
Popular recently-
Insulation and energy
Efficient housing is to raise awareness of indoor air quality and indoor environment.
The Panasonic ecosystem responded by developing products that provide a healthy and comfortable environment for people and their homes and improve indoor air quality.
The government has strengthened environmental regulations in China.
Public awareness of the importance of the air environment is increasing.
Panasonic ecosystem
Entering China\'s IAQ business in 1993, there is currently a factory in Shunde, Foshan, Guangdong province, and another factory in Beijing.
These factories produce and develop products that meet local needs.
Under the slogan \"changing air to change the future\", the company is committed to improving IAQ by providing IAQ products such as energy recovery ventilator and bathroom dryer.
In Asian countries, the Panasonic ecosystem has been distributing ventilation fans for a long time.
At present, with the deterioration of the air environment such as pm2. 5, concerns about air quality are rising. 5 and haze.
Proportion of mid-range
Increased range and high-end housing, which led to the Super
Ventilation systems are becoming more and more important.
The Panasonic ecosystem is developing ventilation systems centered on Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and India to meet the needs of Asian countries.
According to lifestyle and housing conditions, Panasonic ecosystem is strengthening solutions such as ventilation systems coordinated with air conditioners to contribute to the realization of \"comfortable indoor air quality and lifestyle.
Panasonic is a global leader in developing various electronic technologies and solutions for consumer electronics, housing, automotive and B2B enterprise customers.
The company, which celebrated its 100 anniversary in 2018, is now expanding globally and currently operates 591 subsidiaries and 88 affiliates worldwide, with combined net sales of 7.
The year ended March 31, 2018 was 982 trillion yen.
The company is committed to pursuing new value through cross-departmental innovation, using its technology to create a better life and a better world for its customers.
For more information about Panasonic, visit.
Panasonic ecosystem, Ltd.
Panasonic announced that Panasonic ecosystem, Ltd. (PESES)
A Panasonic group company focusing on indoor air quality (IAQ)
In December 2018, 0. 2 billion ventilation fans were produced worldwide.
It has been 60 years since the first ventilation fan was manufactured in 1958.
Since its inception in 1909, PESES has been working to improve indoor air quality by providing ventilation fans, electric fans and air purifiers.
The company produces more than 7 million ventilation fans of its flagship product every year.
PESES serve them in more than 40 countries and regions, using their experience and technology gained in Japan to contribute to the improvement of the world IAQ.
In December 2018, Panasonic produced 200 fans worldwide.
The ventilation fan was originally referred to as the \"exhaust fan\", and its use was limited to facilities such as cinemas and hospitals.
The predecessor of Kawakita Denki Kigyosha began distributing fans to the hospital in 1928.
According to 1956 requirement of Japanese housing company(
At present, the Urban Rehabilitation Society)
In 1958, the company developed and released the \"first ventilation fan\" designed for public housing.
Therefore, the history of the product begins with a ventilation fan that drains smoke and smells from the kitchen.
In the 1970 s, increasing awareness of global environmental protection, energy efficiency and the need for home comfort led toInsulated House.
In order to solve the resulting condensation problem and require central home ventilation, PESES responded by developing an energy recovery ventilator system.
In 2003, 24-all rooms are required by law-
Ventilation for one hour to prevent sick building syndrome.
PESES is one of the first companies to launch a 24-24 series of products and systems
Support services for hourly ventilation and ventilation design are provided.
From about 2008, there are pollen, yellow dust, pm2. 5 and other particles in the outdoor air.
5 affects people\'s lives and increases the general interest in first-class ventilation systems.
Unlike the traditional class 3 system, the class 1 ventilation system simply discharges stale indoor air, allowing the first purification of outdoor air and then the air to be delivered indoors using mechanical ventilation.
With the government pushing for the construction of net zero-energy homes, residential design in Japan is also changing.
The demand for houses is also growing, where people can live peacefully for many years.
People spend a lot of time indoors, so \"smart healthy ventilation\" is used as a way to improve indoor air quality and provide high
Air quality.
Therefore, primary ventilation with an energy recovery ventilator system is being promoted.
PESES has been introducing new products and opening up new markets in China, North America, Asia and the Middle East, and its technology and products are at the heart of its business experience in Japan.
Peses by 1981 in Hong Kong, 1993 in, China, 1996 in Thailand, 2016 in Mexico established factory and in Malaysia, Indonesia and India operation factory established the local production plan.
China is the largest production base outside Japan.
It develops and manufactures products for China to achieve a fast and efficient supply of products to meet the needs of local customers.
The factory is also a global production base to develop and manufacture products for other countries.
In Asia, PESES sell a wide range of products it develops and manufactures to suit the features of each region.
The company started providing ventilation fans in North America in 1993 and expanded its business through energy-famous products
Efficiency, quiet and long timelife.
In order to raise public awareness of the importance of air quality, PESES will continue to promote the improvement of IAQ by providing IAQ products to customers around the world.
* 1 cumulative output of global ventilation fans from 1958 to December 2018.
* 2 production in Hong Kong was transferred to China and ended on 2001.
At present, PESES do not produce ventilator in Hong Kong.
While meeting the needs of the times, Panasonic ecosystem has been leading the ventilation fan industry by introducing new products to the world.
The company also operates factories overseas, building on the ventilation technology developed in Japan, by providing products designed to meet the needs of each country, making a global contribution to improving indoor air quality.
Since the export of electric fans in 1918, Panasonic ecosystem has been committed to contributing globally through its environmental business.
The company\'s factory and sales offices are centered in North America, China and Asia, promoting indoor air quality worldwide by providing products suitable for each country\'s climate and living environment.
Since the Panasonic ecosystem launched the ventilation fan business in North America in 1993, it has taken the lead in launching energy-
Efficient, quiet, longlife ceiling-
Install a ventilation fan and distribute it as a whisper series.
The company won the highest energy star award, the energy star Partner of the US energy industry\'s annual Excellence Award
Efficient Product Certification Program, proving its strong and mature presence in the high-end marketvalue-
Business unit increased.
Popular recently-
Insulation and energy
Efficient housing is to raise awareness of indoor air quality and indoor environment.
The Panasonic ecosystem responded by developing products that provide a healthy and comfortable environment for people and their homes and improve indoor air quality.
The government has strengthened environmental regulations in China.
Public awareness of the importance of the air environment is increasing.
Panasonic ecosystem
Entering China\'s IAQ business in 1993, there is currently a factory in Shunde, Foshan, Guangdong province, and another factory in Beijing.
These factories produce and develop products that meet local needs.
Under the slogan \"changing air to change the future\", the company is committed to improving IAQ by providing IAQ products such as energy recovery ventilator and bathroom dryer.
In Asian countries, the Panasonic ecosystem has been distributing ventilation fans for a long time.
At present, with the deterioration of the air environment such as pm2. 5, concerns about air quality are rising. 5 and haze.
Proportion of mid-range
Increased range and high-end housing, which led to the Super
Ventilation systems are becoming more and more important.
The Panasonic ecosystem is developing ventilation systems centered on Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and India to meet the needs of Asian countries.
According to lifestyle and housing conditions, Panasonic ecosystem is strengthening solutions such as ventilation systems coordinated with air conditioners to contribute to the realization of \"comfortable indoor air quality and lifestyle.
Panasonic is a global leader in developing various electronic technologies and solutions for consumer electronics, housing, automotive and B2B enterprise customers.
The company, which celebrated its 100 anniversary in 2018, is now expanding globally and currently operates 591 subsidiaries and 88 affiliates worldwide, with combined net sales of 7.
The year ended March 31, 2018 was 982 trillion yen.
The company is committed to pursuing new value through cross-departmental innovation, using its technology to create a better life and a better world for its customers.
For more information about Panasonic, visit.
Panasonic ecosystem, Ltd.