noticed; pass the inhaler: i feel a chic attack coming on

by:Yovog     2023-05-12
2000 of the tree season by RICK marinochl 16,2000 is in us, the pioneer of pollen counting.
But I say to you, my allergy and asthma patients, don\'t be ashamed or embarrassed about your breathing, runny nose and eyes.
Your own symptoms!
These most annoying pains are about to become fashionable.
Look at the-
Allergic drug ads on TVBlissed-
The model who walked out of his ear with flowers, in some psychedelic reverie, if Timothy Leary worked on Madison Avenue, his dream would come true.
Who needs Zuo lofu and Atavan when you have Allegra and Claridan?
Teresa Hale at Hale Clinic in London, May 4-
An alternative medical center set up by Prince Charles, once frequented by Princess Diana of Wales ---
Will be in New York. Ms.
Hale\'s doctor will be in the clinic.
One day, the $500 Workshop presented the overall treatment of asthma through a series of breathing exercises.
A disease does not really come until there is a holistic treatment.
But the exact evidence of respiratory disease can be found. -and purchased --at Gazoontite. com.
A website and a catalogue, not to mention a new retail store on Broadway near 75 Street.
Com for Miele vacuum cleaner and hypo from $699-
230-covered allergic quiltsthread-
Count the cotton to a rubber Bart Simpson on the air filter.
Everything about allergies, asthma, and status-symbol victim.
As a lifelong asthma patient with allergies to pollen, cats and women who love them, I can prove that these are never fascinating diseases.
Among non-patients who are less tolerant, it has always been suspected that all annoying sneezing and breathing are actually only physical and mental.
Advertising causes embarrassing factors.
When I was a kid, the last thing I wanted was to let someone know that I had an injection, or that I needed a respirator, let alone let me sneak a sip.
You don\'t want to arm other little boys with this information.
This lasted until I was 30.
Not long ago, a friend and I were on our way out of his apartment and my bright yellow Proventil dispenser fell out of my jacket pocket.
We all stared at the place where it was placed on the floor.
\"Wow, special moments after school,\" he said . \".
As if he found out I couldn\'t read it.
To my surprise, today\'s young people will want to promote their disability with rubber Bart Simpson.
A few years ago, an article from Spin said that rappers were customizing their aspirators to wrap them in low dies
Riders and the like. Gazoontite.
Com has similar ideas and is expanding its scale.
The company was founded in San Francisco in 1998.
It has stores there and in Costa Mesa, California.
The catalogue avoids medicine, the hospital-
The appearance of its predecessor\'s supply is conducive to the stylish Pottery Barn effect.
In the funky bedroom on page 4, blonde-
Elms solid wood chair White $160 Honeywell HEPA air purifier is an anti-allergy for victory
Friendly Design (
Copywriting suggests \"avoid using upholstered furniture \").
Lying on the bed is a washable yellow stuffed duck.
\"Our signature duck,\" explained Yu soon, founder and CEO of the company, who showed me around 750-square-foot store.
\"He is an allergic Noble duck. \'\'Mr.
Mr. Yu, 34, owns M. B. A.
Before starting Gazoontite, he was the product manager for Clorox. com.
He\'s allergic.
\"There\'s nothing to be embarrassed about,\" he said . \"
\"There is no shame.
We are taking a positive approach in which you can manage your lifestyle to stay healthy.
\"I asked about this stylish, minimalist design.
The floors and walls are bamboo plywood and the products are displayed in simple and neat display cabinets.
The $99 black Vornado 750 fan looks $89 more sexy here than in bed, bathroom and elsewhere. 99.
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View all New York Times newsletters. Mr.
He told me that his creative director was from Swatch.
Credits for The McCall design team included Banana Republic and Pottery Barn, which they gave to Gazoontite. com its mall-ready in-
Store structure.
\"This is a cross company between a body shop and a Brookstone,\" he said . \"
When the German word was spelled gesundheit, the focus group did not recognize it and helped determine the name.
Advertising, as you might have guessed from the name, also has a plan for I. P. O.
Within a year. Yu said.
He is on a business tripplan data.
\"There are 20%-a-
He said that the air purification business alone has achieved annual growth.
38% had allergic reactions, compared with 20% in 1990.
\"According to the doctor, these statistics are basically accurate.
Finegold, the Irish Republican Army, has a chief allergy in St.
Luke\'s Roosevelt Hospital Center and former president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
A June 1999 survey by the college asked 1,004 adults if they were allergic.
38% of them said yes.
They are not necessarily diagnosed by a doctor, but the number is still surprisingly high.
The number that people used to talk about is 20%, he said. Finegold said.
We think allergy is an outdoor problem.
But in fact, doctors say that the more adults and children stay indoors, the more susceptible they are to allergens trapped in a sealed modern home.
I asked my own allergy doctor. Arthur M.
Lubitz reviews Gazoontite.
Give me a second opinion.
\"I think it\'s legal,\" he said after passing through the store last week, and gave some warning to people who are allergic to emptying. The HEPA (
High Efficiency Particulate Air)
He said the purifier \"does nothing\" unless you have a pet \".
And change the filter on the window-
Unit air conditioning is an effective equipment to prevent air pollution.
The store\'s best-selling pillows and bedspread so far can be useful if you are allergic to mites, but not everyone with allergies.
\"My first reaction was that I was jealous,\" he added sadly . \".
\"Every allergy expert always says how much money is there for allergies.
\"He recalled that Mayor John Lindsay had promised to remove weeds from New York City during his administration, but that, like many of these commitments, did not succeed.
\"You can\'t get rid of weeds, and everyone in New York has a cat,\" said Dr. Lubitz noted.
Allergy is an urban disease.
\"Make it gentle.
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A version of this article was printed on page 9009001 of the National edition on April 16, 2000, with the title: note;
Through the air filter: I feel like a funky attack is coming soon.
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