nightmarish water woes in public housing: fiorito
Kelly said she had a problem and she asked me again.
She lives at 10 Mount Everest Road, Glen. in Scarborough.
I know this building. I dropped by.
She has a small apartment on the 14 th floor.
She has a neat place.
She used a small bedroom as a storage room and she slept in the front room. The problem?
The drywall under the window only retains the dry memory; it was water-
Damaged, damp and smelly, and worst of all, it has fallen off or been pulled away.
She said, \"a mouse ran out.
I have a trap at each end.
\"The Trap did not stop the mouse.
Not long ago, a person from TCHC came over to have a look.
\"He said there was a tube,it’s leaking.
He put his hand in and pulled the insulation.
It\'s really wet.
He said he would fix it and he would come back in a week or two.
\"He didn\'t come back, as you might have guessed.
I\'m not sure if this is really a leaking pipe.
The hole in the Wall is under her window;
It may be a leak of rain;
Could be some kind of leak from the apartment above.
\"Last year, they asked some people to make bricks outside the window;
They said it was a window.
But another person at TCHC said it was a pipe.
\"When there shouldn\'t be water at all, do you really think it\'s important where water comes from?
Kelly said with some anger: \"TCHC even said I put the water in it myself;
Why am I doing this?
She stuck a piece of plastic on the hole.
She has an air purifier.
\"I\'m an asthma patient,\" she said,the smell.
\"I bet you know that nostrils --
Just like I bet you won\'t stand the taste.
\"I let someone in about the mold issue.
He found no problem.
\"He must not look very hard.
She has been trying to fix holes in the wall since last April. Since. Last. April.
You don\'t need to live like this.
I don\'t need to live that way.
People who run community housing do not have to live like this.
Is there any mold anywhere else besides her front room?
\"There is mold in the bathroom. I put in a fan.
She put a fan in the bathroom?
Have you built-in fan?
\"The fan in the bathroom is broken.
People from other units, they hid drugs in the pipeline.
Fans don\'t work when they do.
Kelly has lived in the building for seven years.
Her life will break you and me.
She spent several years on the street.
\"I would rather go back to the shelter than live like this,\" she said.
I\'m a rehab addict and an alcoholic.
I smell the marijuana here.
Makes me sick.
There is also a parallel security issue,
One of her neighbors was robbed.
\"Even my disabled workers are afraid to come here.
Someone looked for me.
Someone came to knock on my door and ask for money.
There have been six super members since I came here.
\"I really don\'t know what\'s going on with TCHC, since turbo-
The accused Gene Jones got the water dirty and got the boots.
There may be new people, but there is not much change on the 10 th of Glen Everest.
Without the help of TCHC, Kelly looked at some subsidized housing operated by a private charity.
She will have a better life if she comes in.
I will discuss this and other issues with TCHC in the upcoming column.
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Joe Fiorito appeared.
Jfiorito @ the star.
She lives at 10 Mount Everest Road, Glen. in Scarborough.
I know this building. I dropped by.
She has a small apartment on the 14 th floor.
She has a neat place.
She used a small bedroom as a storage room and she slept in the front room. The problem?
The drywall under the window only retains the dry memory; it was water-
Damaged, damp and smelly, and worst of all, it has fallen off or been pulled away.
She said, \"a mouse ran out.
I have a trap at each end.
\"The Trap did not stop the mouse.
Not long ago, a person from TCHC came over to have a look.
\"He said there was a tube,it’s leaking.
He put his hand in and pulled the insulation.
It\'s really wet.
He said he would fix it and he would come back in a week or two.
\"He didn\'t come back, as you might have guessed.
I\'m not sure if this is really a leaking pipe.
The hole in the Wall is under her window;
It may be a leak of rain;
Could be some kind of leak from the apartment above.
\"Last year, they asked some people to make bricks outside the window;
They said it was a window.
But another person at TCHC said it was a pipe.
\"When there shouldn\'t be water at all, do you really think it\'s important where water comes from?
Kelly said with some anger: \"TCHC even said I put the water in it myself;
Why am I doing this?
She stuck a piece of plastic on the hole.
She has an air purifier.
\"I\'m an asthma patient,\" she said,the smell.
\"I bet you know that nostrils --
Just like I bet you won\'t stand the taste.
\"I let someone in about the mold issue.
He found no problem.
\"He must not look very hard.
She has been trying to fix holes in the wall since last April. Since. Last. April.
You don\'t need to live like this.
I don\'t need to live that way.
People who run community housing do not have to live like this.
Is there any mold anywhere else besides her front room?
\"There is mold in the bathroom. I put in a fan.
She put a fan in the bathroom?
Have you built-in fan?
\"The fan in the bathroom is broken.
People from other units, they hid drugs in the pipeline.
Fans don\'t work when they do.
Kelly has lived in the building for seven years.
Her life will break you and me.
She spent several years on the street.
\"I would rather go back to the shelter than live like this,\" she said.
I\'m a rehab addict and an alcoholic.
I smell the marijuana here.
Makes me sick.
There is also a parallel security issue,
One of her neighbors was robbed.
\"Even my disabled workers are afraid to come here.
Someone looked for me.
Someone came to knock on my door and ask for money.
There have been six super members since I came here.
\"I really don\'t know what\'s going on with TCHC, since turbo-
The accused Gene Jones got the water dirty and got the boots.
There may be new people, but there is not much change on the 10 th of Glen Everest.
Without the help of TCHC, Kelly looked at some subsidized housing operated by a private charity.
She will have a better life if she comes in.
I will discuss this and other issues with TCHC in the upcoming column.
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Joe Fiorito appeared.
Jfiorito @ the star.