how air purifiers work
Air purifier criticism and ozone air purifiers have been attacked by consumer groups, consumer review magazines and even the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
At the heart of the dispute are two claims: These types of air purifiers do not effectively remove contaminants in the air, and the ozone generator may cause harm to people.
In 2002 and 2003, Consumer Reports tested several different air purifiers, including the ion breeze of Sharper Image.
Independent researchers checked and verified the test.
The consumer report found that ionised air purifiers like the ion breeze produce \"almost no measurable reduction of particles in the air \"[source].
Sharper Image sued Consumer Reports.
The magazine later tested further on Sharper Image\'s complaints and still found that the ion breeze was ineffective.
Sharper Image\'s lawsuit against Consumer Reports was dismissed, and the company was forced to pay more than millions of dollars to cover the costs of litigation reported by consumers.
The Environmental Protection Agency has also issued information about ozone generated by air purifiers, warning the public.
Because the manufacturers have not made specific medical claims for these devices, they do not need the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)approval.
In fact, the government really does not supervise consumer air purifiers except for the HEPA standard, so any manufacturer who claims that such equipment is \"government-approved\" or \"government-certified\" is misleading to consumers.
However, because of concerns that people will produce ozone in their homes, EPA has studied the issue.
All ionization purifiers produce some ozone, but the ozone generator is specially designed to release the gas, and the number is much larger than the ionization purifiers.
According to the EPA, \"the number of [s] is relatively lowof ozone]
It can cause chest pain, cough, shortness of breath and throat irritation.
Ozone may also aggravate chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma and damage the body\'s ability to fight respiratory infections \"[source].
Their research shows that even if used according to the manufacturer\'s instructions, many ozone-
Producing purifiers produces ozone concentrations in houses that exceed public health restrictions.
They also found that ozone used in household air purifiers \"has little potential to remove indoor air pollutants \".
\"They also pointed out that ozone has a tendency to react with chemicals and is formed in the following ways
Products that may be more dangerous.
The Environmental Protection Agency\'s final recommendation on the matter is: \"It is recommended that the public use a proven method of controlling indoor air pollution.
\"The ozone generator is not in the proven method listed on its website.
At the heart of the dispute are two claims: These types of air purifiers do not effectively remove contaminants in the air, and the ozone generator may cause harm to people.
In 2002 and 2003, Consumer Reports tested several different air purifiers, including the ion breeze of Sharper Image.
Independent researchers checked and verified the test.
The consumer report found that ionised air purifiers like the ion breeze produce \"almost no measurable reduction of particles in the air \"[source].
Sharper Image sued Consumer Reports.
The magazine later tested further on Sharper Image\'s complaints and still found that the ion breeze was ineffective.
Sharper Image\'s lawsuit against Consumer Reports was dismissed, and the company was forced to pay more than millions of dollars to cover the costs of litigation reported by consumers.
The Environmental Protection Agency has also issued information about ozone generated by air purifiers, warning the public.
Because the manufacturers have not made specific medical claims for these devices, they do not need the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)approval.
In fact, the government really does not supervise consumer air purifiers except for the HEPA standard, so any manufacturer who claims that such equipment is \"government-approved\" or \"government-certified\" is misleading to consumers.
However, because of concerns that people will produce ozone in their homes, EPA has studied the issue.
All ionization purifiers produce some ozone, but the ozone generator is specially designed to release the gas, and the number is much larger than the ionization purifiers.
According to the EPA, \"the number of [s] is relatively lowof ozone]
It can cause chest pain, cough, shortness of breath and throat irritation.
Ozone may also aggravate chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma and damage the body\'s ability to fight respiratory infections \"[source].
Their research shows that even if used according to the manufacturer\'s instructions, many ozone-
Producing purifiers produces ozone concentrations in houses that exceed public health restrictions.
They also found that ozone used in household air purifiers \"has little potential to remove indoor air pollutants \".
\"They also pointed out that ozone has a tendency to react with chemicals and is formed in the following ways
Products that may be more dangerous.
The Environmental Protection Agency\'s final recommendation on the matter is: \"It is recommended that the public use a proven method of controlling indoor air pollution.
\"The ozone generator is not in the proven method listed on its website.