here\'s a cool new product: sony\'s wearable air conditioner may make you 23 degrees cooler
Sony has innovative plans to help keep you cool during the summer heat wave.
The consumer electronics company recently announced the launch of its smartphone, Reon Pocket.
The body cooling device you can wear in size.
The wearable device will be crowdfunding through Sony\'s first flight acceleration program in Japan, which will cost around $117.
While the mini air conditioner will not keep your body at perfect temperature in every situation, it may have a significant impact on your hot and cold feel.
Hidden in a built-in
In a specially designed t-pocket
Shirts, the device can reduce your personal temperature by 23 degrees, or increase it by about 14 degrees, Sony said.
Cool clothes: In the latest innovation of heat wave Nick, bras, boxers and bracelets keep cool from inside to outside: new responsive joysneakers sneakers feel like \"running on Bubbles\"
Don\'t blow the processed air like the air conditioner in your apartment building, but blow the body --
The installed device uses the so-called peltier effect.
This effect creates a temperature difference by using a current to transfer heat between two objects.
You can control the personal thermostat with your smartphone app at launch, but Sony wants to make the device autonomous in the future. The battery-
According to Sony, powered ablecan runs for 90 minutes on a single charge, and it takes two hours to fully charge.
The shirt is only men\'s size, with small, medium and large size.
Sony claims that the pocket is not notable when worn.
It is expected that there will be a shipping period of 2020 ships, and Reon Pocket is currently only available in Japan.
As with many crowdfunding campaigns, product bottlenecks and impaired functionality tend to plague major commitments made.
Still, with women raving about frozen bra plug-ins and companies offering frozen underwear to men, there is no doubt that there is a market for personal cooling technology.
The good news is that crowdfunding has surpassed itstarget. Co-
Living space: How millennials can create affordable rental environments in big cities. Follow Dalvin Brown on Twitter: @ Dalvin_Brown.
The consumer electronics company recently announced the launch of its smartphone, Reon Pocket.
The body cooling device you can wear in size.
The wearable device will be crowdfunding through Sony\'s first flight acceleration program in Japan, which will cost around $117.
While the mini air conditioner will not keep your body at perfect temperature in every situation, it may have a significant impact on your hot and cold feel.
Hidden in a built-in
In a specially designed t-pocket
Shirts, the device can reduce your personal temperature by 23 degrees, or increase it by about 14 degrees, Sony said.
Cool clothes: In the latest innovation of heat wave Nick, bras, boxers and bracelets keep cool from inside to outside: new responsive joysneakers sneakers feel like \"running on Bubbles\"
Don\'t blow the processed air like the air conditioner in your apartment building, but blow the body --
The installed device uses the so-called peltier effect.
This effect creates a temperature difference by using a current to transfer heat between two objects.
You can control the personal thermostat with your smartphone app at launch, but Sony wants to make the device autonomous in the future. The battery-
According to Sony, powered ablecan runs for 90 minutes on a single charge, and it takes two hours to fully charge.
The shirt is only men\'s size, with small, medium and large size.
Sony claims that the pocket is not notable when worn.
It is expected that there will be a shipping period of 2020 ships, and Reon Pocket is currently only available in Japan.
As with many crowdfunding campaigns, product bottlenecks and impaired functionality tend to plague major commitments made.
Still, with women raving about frozen bra plug-ins and companies offering frozen underwear to men, there is no doubt that there is a market for personal cooling technology.
The good news is that crowdfunding has surpassed itstarget. Co-
Living space: How millennials can create affordable rental environments in big cities. Follow Dalvin Brown on Twitter: @ Dalvin_Brown.