brief report: use of an antecedent procedure to decrease night awakening in an infant: a replication.
Hunter and Johnson (2001)
Previous strategies such as white noise were found to reduce sleep awakening in natural home environments.
This study attempts to replicate these findings using ABAB reverse design.
A five-month and one-week-old child, who wakes up four times a day on average, has difficulties and is scheduled for white noise projects.
This project involves parents placing a home care air purifier and ion generator next to the baby crib and opening the machine before the baby parent starts shaking the baby and then putting the baby in the crib to sleep.
This early operation successfully reduced the number of times the baby woke up to 1 time.
3 episodes/night
Key words: infant sleep, wake-up at night, stimulation/cause control procedure, behavioral intervention, replication
Introduction because behavioral therapy is increasingly dependent on functional evaluation (Sturmey, 1996)
As an alternative to an emergency management strategy, behavioral intervenors are increasingly focusing on both conventional and prior control strategies.
As part of this trend, there is a greater emphasis on building positive routines (
Adams and Rickett, 1989;
Milan city, Mitchell, Berger, Pearson, 1981)
, The neutral program at the beginning of the problem (
Caulli & Dziewolska, 2004)
And pre-control strategy (
Rolider & Axelrod, 1999;
Cautilli & Tillman, 2004).
The study spans many areas, but a particularly important area for new parents is sleep.
Establishing a sleep awakening cycle in infants is an important part of parenting (
Novak & Pelaez, 2004)
This is usually one of the first challenges parents face.
Sleep problems are common in typical children (
Kuhn & Weidinger, 2000).
One of the earliest interventions was the use of white noise (
Huntermeilboski, 2001; Schmidt, 1975).
The White Noise program is to simply use continuous sound to prevent the appearance of other sounds and to produce a \"ventilated\" sound effect (
In order to conduct a complete theoretical analysis of white noise seeBorkowski and his colleagues, 2001 but producers are based on stimulation control, where sleep is seen as reinforcement and response regulation.
Continuous sleep is seen as a factor in behavioral motivation).
Conservation of forests and colleagues in Europe (2001)
Explore the use of white noise before sleep time, and combine the scheduled bedtime route for five four-month-old babies.
They found the intervention to three baby bottles helpful.
Feeding but not helping two breast-fed babiesfed.
The study tried to replicate their findings in clinical practice with a five-month, one-week-old child.
Method participants are the only children in the family, typical development.
However, since parents feed formula milk at least three times a week, most of the children are breast-fed.
During the last feeding before going to bed, the child was fed four to six ounces of milk.
The participant was a five-month and one-week-old child who had difficulty waking up at night after his parents put him in his crib to sleep.
Participants woke up on average four times a night.
The situation with sleep problems is so serious that the parents take the participants to the hospital emergency room to determine if there is a physical problem.
After the doctor told the parents that it was common to wake up at night, the doctor sent the parents and participants home.
Two days later, infant\' sparents found the first author\'s assistant via an email on the Internet.
Set up participants to sleep in their parents\' room.
The room is 12x14.
There is a standard crib and a queen in the room. sized bed.
Originally, the author wanted to use a white noise generator (
Brookstone 190405);
However, parents have difficulties in positioning the machine.
The switch of an ordinary air purifier makes an asimilar sound.
It is a FamilyCare air purifier/ion generator (model HAP221)
Go to High settings.
The experimenter used ABAB reverse design.
The parents recorded the baby\'s sleep patterns and night sleep in the diary.
Baseline data is composed of sleep diary reports from the other party.
During the intervention phase, the parent turns on the air purifier before the parent starts shaking the participant to sleep.
The child was put in his crib as soon as he fell asleep.
The process is usually completed before 8: 30. m.
The air purifier was running at night and the parents turned off the machine the next morning.
Initially, the experimenter planned a reversal for three nights.
The experimenter told the parents that removal is important because it allows them to see if intervention is still needed.
Parents decided to shorten the reversal phase to the first night without intervention.
The normal time for the baby to get up is 6: 45 in the morning. m.
Morning 6:20 between wake upm. to 6:45 a. m.
The study woke up at night without scoring.
Hawkins and Fabri (1979)
The importance of ensuring consistency among observers in data collection is emphasized.
Each parent has a separate book that records the number of times a baby wakes up at night.
The experimenter calculated the inter-observer protocol between the parents\' books on baby waking up.
The experimenter randomly selected four experiments for comparison (
Two baseline stages and two treatment stages)
Rate the assistant
If both parents say they wake up the same number that night, the experimenter will lose points.
If the two scored differently, the experimenter scored differently.
In the 31 days of the study, the figures for 28 days were compared. Using the (
Equation of protocol/protocolagreements)
Multiply by 100 to calculate the percentage of consent.
As a result, 90% coding protocols have occurred between parents.
Figure 1 shows the data of waking up at night.
At the baseline stage, the average number of participants waking up was four episodes per night.
In the first intervention phase, the mean intervention time was 1.
3 episodes/night
The return baseline phase is a data point.
Initially, parents should have three nights to decide if the participants still need the program, but after the first night of five waking up, the parents decided to restart the program.
In the reorganization of this project, the average awakening time is every night. 8. [
Figure 1 slightly]
This study represents a replication of the work by Borkowski and colleagues (2001).
The results show that previous interventions have a strong role in helping infants establish sleep and sleep.
Since DeCasper discovered that the baby prefers the mother\'s voice.
The mother\'s voice may be a good stimulus on the recorder, helping to stimulate control.
Also, the basis for preference for the voice of the mother and father seems to be --Uterine exposure (
Dicappa, lacanut, Mogas, Granier-
Busre & Busnel, 1994;
Decas and Prescott, 1984;
DeCasper & Spence, 1986).
More often than not
The uterus is exposed to the sound of the mother\'s heart.
One interesting question that seems to be relevant is whether whitnoise is more effective than speaking out the mother\'s voice.
This problem may have an earlier sleep schedule.
Adams, Los AngelesA. , & Rickert, V. I (1989).
Reduce your temper before going to bed: a comparison between positive bedtime habits and gradual disappearance.
Pediatrics, 84,756-761. Borkowski, M. M. , Hunter, K. E. & Johnson, C. M. (2001).
To reduce sleep disorders in infants and children, we have developed a sleep schedule.
24, 29-behavioral therapist31. Cautilli, J. D.
& Dziewolska, H. (2004).
Neutralization effect of sleep stimulation control intervention on evasive behavior and symbolic performance of children under the age of nineyear-
An old child with opposing obstacles.
Journal of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention, 1 (2)
Cautilli, J & Tillman, T. C. (2004)
: Evidence-based practices in families and schools to help educate children with social disorders-
Journal of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (1), pp. 28-34 Dahl, R. E. , Pelham, W. E. , & Wierson, M. (1991).
The role of sleep disorders in symptoms of attention deficit disorder: a case study.
Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 16,229-239. DeCasper, A. J. , Lecanuet, J. P. Maugais, R. , Granier-Deferre, C. ,& Busnel, M. C. (1994).
Fetal response to repeated menstruation
Infant Behavior and Development, 159-164. DeCasper, A. J. P Prescott(1984).
Perception of male voices by human journalists: Preferences, discrimination, and enhanced values.
Developmental Psychology, 481-491. DeCasper, A. J. , & Spence, M. J. (1986).
Prenatal mother speech affects the newborn\'s perception of speech sounds.
9,133-Information Behavior and Development150. Hawkins, R. P. & Fabry, B. D. (1979).
Application behavior analysis and inter-observer reliability: Birkimerand Brown\'s comments on the two articles.
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 12,545-552. Kuhn, B. R. & Weidinger, D. (2000).
Intervention measures for sleep disorders in infants and young children. A review.
Behavioral therapy for children and families, 22, 3350. Milan, M. A. , Mitchell, Z. P. , Berger, M. I. , & Pierson, D. F. (1981).
Positive habits: a quick alternative to eliminating tantrum behavior before going to bed.
Behavioral therapy for children, 3,13-25. Novak, G. & Pelaez, M. (2004).
Development of Children and adolescents: a systematic approach to behavior.
Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks. Rolider, A. , & Axelrod, S. (2001).
How to learn by yourself-
Controlthrough trigger analysis in Austin, Texas: Pro-Ed. Schmidt, K. (1975).
Effects of continuous stimulation on behavioral sleep in infants. Merrill-
Palmer quarter, 21, 7788. Sturmey, P. (1996).
Functional Analysis in clinical psychology. NewYork: Wiley.
Joseph Courtney Street
University of Joseph author Contact Information: Joe Courtney children\'s crisis treatment center, 1823 kalavowhill, Philadelphia, USA.
19130 jcaulli @ CCTV IDs.
Previous strategies such as white noise were found to reduce sleep awakening in natural home environments.
This study attempts to replicate these findings using ABAB reverse design.
A five-month and one-week-old child, who wakes up four times a day on average, has difficulties and is scheduled for white noise projects.
This project involves parents placing a home care air purifier and ion generator next to the baby crib and opening the machine before the baby parent starts shaking the baby and then putting the baby in the crib to sleep.
This early operation successfully reduced the number of times the baby woke up to 1 time.
3 episodes/night
Key words: infant sleep, wake-up at night, stimulation/cause control procedure, behavioral intervention, replication
Introduction because behavioral therapy is increasingly dependent on functional evaluation (Sturmey, 1996)
As an alternative to an emergency management strategy, behavioral intervenors are increasingly focusing on both conventional and prior control strategies.
As part of this trend, there is a greater emphasis on building positive routines (
Adams and Rickett, 1989;
Milan city, Mitchell, Berger, Pearson, 1981)
, The neutral program at the beginning of the problem (
Caulli & Dziewolska, 2004)
And pre-control strategy (
Rolider & Axelrod, 1999;
Cautilli & Tillman, 2004).
The study spans many areas, but a particularly important area for new parents is sleep.
Establishing a sleep awakening cycle in infants is an important part of parenting (
Novak & Pelaez, 2004)
This is usually one of the first challenges parents face.
Sleep problems are common in typical children (
Kuhn & Weidinger, 2000).
One of the earliest interventions was the use of white noise (
Huntermeilboski, 2001; Schmidt, 1975).
The White Noise program is to simply use continuous sound to prevent the appearance of other sounds and to produce a \"ventilated\" sound effect (
In order to conduct a complete theoretical analysis of white noise seeBorkowski and his colleagues, 2001 but producers are based on stimulation control, where sleep is seen as reinforcement and response regulation.
Continuous sleep is seen as a factor in behavioral motivation).
Conservation of forests and colleagues in Europe (2001)
Explore the use of white noise before sleep time, and combine the scheduled bedtime route for five four-month-old babies.
They found the intervention to three baby bottles helpful.
Feeding but not helping two breast-fed babiesfed.
The study tried to replicate their findings in clinical practice with a five-month, one-week-old child.
Method participants are the only children in the family, typical development.
However, since parents feed formula milk at least three times a week, most of the children are breast-fed.
During the last feeding before going to bed, the child was fed four to six ounces of milk.
The participant was a five-month and one-week-old child who had difficulty waking up at night after his parents put him in his crib to sleep.
Participants woke up on average four times a night.
The situation with sleep problems is so serious that the parents take the participants to the hospital emergency room to determine if there is a physical problem.
After the doctor told the parents that it was common to wake up at night, the doctor sent the parents and participants home.
Two days later, infant\' sparents found the first author\'s assistant via an email on the Internet.
Set up participants to sleep in their parents\' room.
The room is 12x14.
There is a standard crib and a queen in the room. sized bed.
Originally, the author wanted to use a white noise generator (
Brookstone 190405);
However, parents have difficulties in positioning the machine.
The switch of an ordinary air purifier makes an asimilar sound.
It is a FamilyCare air purifier/ion generator (model HAP221)
Go to High settings.
The experimenter used ABAB reverse design.
The parents recorded the baby\'s sleep patterns and night sleep in the diary.
Baseline data is composed of sleep diary reports from the other party.
During the intervention phase, the parent turns on the air purifier before the parent starts shaking the participant to sleep.
The child was put in his crib as soon as he fell asleep.
The process is usually completed before 8: 30. m.
The air purifier was running at night and the parents turned off the machine the next morning.
Initially, the experimenter planned a reversal for three nights.
The experimenter told the parents that removal is important because it allows them to see if intervention is still needed.
Parents decided to shorten the reversal phase to the first night without intervention.
The normal time for the baby to get up is 6: 45 in the morning. m.
Morning 6:20 between wake upm. to 6:45 a. m.
The study woke up at night without scoring.
Hawkins and Fabri (1979)
The importance of ensuring consistency among observers in data collection is emphasized.
Each parent has a separate book that records the number of times a baby wakes up at night.
The experimenter calculated the inter-observer protocol between the parents\' books on baby waking up.
The experimenter randomly selected four experiments for comparison (
Two baseline stages and two treatment stages)
Rate the assistant
If both parents say they wake up the same number that night, the experimenter will lose points.
If the two scored differently, the experimenter scored differently.
In the 31 days of the study, the figures for 28 days were compared. Using the (
Equation of protocol/protocolagreements)
Multiply by 100 to calculate the percentage of consent.
As a result, 90% coding protocols have occurred between parents.
Figure 1 shows the data of waking up at night.
At the baseline stage, the average number of participants waking up was four episodes per night.
In the first intervention phase, the mean intervention time was 1.
3 episodes/night
The return baseline phase is a data point.
Initially, parents should have three nights to decide if the participants still need the program, but after the first night of five waking up, the parents decided to restart the program.
In the reorganization of this project, the average awakening time is every night. 8. [
Figure 1 slightly]
This study represents a replication of the work by Borkowski and colleagues (2001).
The results show that previous interventions have a strong role in helping infants establish sleep and sleep.
Since DeCasper discovered that the baby prefers the mother\'s voice.
The mother\'s voice may be a good stimulus on the recorder, helping to stimulate control.
Also, the basis for preference for the voice of the mother and father seems to be --Uterine exposure (
Dicappa, lacanut, Mogas, Granier-
Busre & Busnel, 1994;
Decas and Prescott, 1984;
DeCasper & Spence, 1986).
More often than not
The uterus is exposed to the sound of the mother\'s heart.
One interesting question that seems to be relevant is whether whitnoise is more effective than speaking out the mother\'s voice.
This problem may have an earlier sleep schedule.
Adams, Los AngelesA. , & Rickert, V. I (1989).
Reduce your temper before going to bed: a comparison between positive bedtime habits and gradual disappearance.
Pediatrics, 84,756-761. Borkowski, M. M. , Hunter, K. E. & Johnson, C. M. (2001).
To reduce sleep disorders in infants and children, we have developed a sleep schedule.
24, 29-behavioral therapist31. Cautilli, J. D.
& Dziewolska, H. (2004).
Neutralization effect of sleep stimulation control intervention on evasive behavior and symbolic performance of children under the age of nineyear-
An old child with opposing obstacles.
Journal of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention, 1 (2)
Cautilli, J & Tillman, T. C. (2004)
: Evidence-based practices in families and schools to help educate children with social disorders-
Journal of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (1), pp. 28-34 Dahl, R. E. , Pelham, W. E. , & Wierson, M. (1991).
The role of sleep disorders in symptoms of attention deficit disorder: a case study.
Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 16,229-239. DeCasper, A. J. , Lecanuet, J. P. Maugais, R. , Granier-Deferre, C. ,& Busnel, M. C. (1994).
Fetal response to repeated menstruation
Infant Behavior and Development, 159-164. DeCasper, A. J. P Prescott(1984).
Perception of male voices by human journalists: Preferences, discrimination, and enhanced values.
Developmental Psychology, 481-491. DeCasper, A. J. , & Spence, M. J. (1986).
Prenatal mother speech affects the newborn\'s perception of speech sounds.
9,133-Information Behavior and Development150. Hawkins, R. P. & Fabry, B. D. (1979).
Application behavior analysis and inter-observer reliability: Birkimerand Brown\'s comments on the two articles.
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 12,545-552. Kuhn, B. R. & Weidinger, D. (2000).
Intervention measures for sleep disorders in infants and young children. A review.
Behavioral therapy for children and families, 22, 3350. Milan, M. A. , Mitchell, Z. P. , Berger, M. I. , & Pierson, D. F. (1981).
Positive habits: a quick alternative to eliminating tantrum behavior before going to bed.
Behavioral therapy for children, 3,13-25. Novak, G. & Pelaez, M. (2004).
Development of Children and adolescents: a systematic approach to behavior.
Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks. Rolider, A. , & Axelrod, S. (2001).
How to learn by yourself-
Controlthrough trigger analysis in Austin, Texas: Pro-Ed. Schmidt, K. (1975).
Effects of continuous stimulation on behavioral sleep in infants. Merrill-
Palmer quarter, 21, 7788. Sturmey, P. (1996).
Functional Analysis in clinical psychology. NewYork: Wiley.
Joseph Courtney Street
University of Joseph author Contact Information: Joe Courtney children\'s crisis treatment center, 1823 kalavowhill, Philadelphia, USA.
19130 jcaulli @ CCTV IDs.