8 tips to make your home a pollen-free zone

by:Yovog     2023-10-24
From annoying sneezing
During the pollen season, pollen heat can make life very painful-if you are a victim, you will most likely have some tricks when you go outdoors in spring and summer.
But when you are at home, the pollen sticks to almost everything (yes, it means clothes, shoes, hair, skin, pets) and is then taken to the air, so, some nasty particles will eventually penetrate into your home as well, which is inevitable.
Tips sleep breaks, rot at night, and even start the day with flowing eyes before you go out.
So, what can you do to keep pollen in your house
While it is not possible to completely expel it from your home, these steps will certainly help . . . . . . Pollen can spread indoors through open windows, so in the pollen season it is best to keep them closed as much as possible.
Of course, no one wants a sultry House, and you may need to occasionally get some air through-but get to know something about your time to minimize pollen penetration.
Focus on daily pollen predictions so you can tell when it\'s best to let the air flow.
Despite your best efforts, there is still a good chance that some pollen will enter your home-so it\'s a good idea to wash the curtains and any removable sofa or cushion covers.
There are no fixed rules about how often you should do this kind of thing, but if the symptoms pop up at home, a thorough topto-
Toe cleaning may be correct!
Of course, it\'s great to be able to dry clothes in the garden in spring and summer
It\'s convenient, but it\'s a taboo for pollen fever patients
No, your clothes may be covered with pollen when it dries.
So you close the window more than you would like, and your clothes have to be dried indoors (not everything can be rolled --
Dryer)-this is not a good recipe for a ventilated indoor environment, and investing in a high quality air purifier can be a good option if your symptoms are troublesome.
The air purifier can remove 99% of harmful particles from the air, monitor and capture pollen + particles such as dust and pet dandruff, which is also a \"trigger factor\" for people with pollen heat \".
There is a dog or cat that spends time outdoors where pollen can stick to the fur, so to prevent them from spreading pollen all over your house (and transfer the pollen to your couch, carpet and bed before they come in, consider wiping their coats with a damp microfibre cloth.
More guns.
Vacuuming is a good idea during the pollen season.
Don\'t just do the floor; run the vacuum-
Clean in soft furniture, sofas, cushions, curtains and beds if needed.
Air allergy specialist Max Wiseberg, whoworks using organic allergen barrier balm HayMax, is recommended to invest in HEPA (High-
Efficient particle interception) filter.
You can ask a non.
Empty the vacuum bag for allergic patients.
You usually wait until you have a shower before going to bed, but during the pollen season, it\'s a good idea for hay fever patients to take a quick shower routine as soon as they get home.
Pollen can stick to the skin and hair, so a quick shower helps prevent you from \"sitting\" together for the rest of the night and transferring it to the couch and bed.
Put your shoes and jacket at the front door or close the door --
If you also have a glove room or cloakroom, because these will bring the pollen into it.
It may sound like no.
If you have hay fever, you may want to avoid gardening during the pollen season-especially mowing the lawn and raking the leaves.
If you really can\'t put these tasks on hold or do it with a rope tied to someone else, then at least put on a filter mask.
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