Potter Anderson (cnn (CNN)-- \"I remember when I was 15, there was a problem with the Chicago Airlines traffic. Noise pollution. Some people say they want to build an airport in Lake Michigan. My idea is to put the airport underground. There is a runway on the water. Let the elevator move the plane up and down like on the aircraft carrier. There is a science and industry Museum competition in Chicago, I am for a high School project, it\'s a very strange thing to build a complete model for the aircraft to take off and land below. \"He stopped to catch his breath. \"It\'s a far away Of course, it will never be a reality. But that\'s how my brain works. \"The Mind of William Collier, 48, still works like this. \"Look at what\'s going on in the workplace. The answer is not the compartment. Although he created the Halo workstation as a response to these inopportune times, Collier said he did not like to admit to people that he was an inventor. \"The agency sees inventors as crazy scientists. I hope to see the credibility of the inventors. However, it is a difficult thing to do because there is a lot of crackles outside. When the bursting pot was busy on that better mousetrap, Colliers thought of \"Dilbert \"-- A terrible place to work as a finished artist- A collection of inseparable questions. \"I don\'t think ergonomics is the only problem. Because environmental problems have an impact on the ergonomics of workers: it is usually too ventilated, too cold, too hot. Everyone\'s body is different. Because everyone\'s eyes are different, the lighting level is not appropriate. We want an electronic air filter to clean the air. \"So I feel the only way to get it to market is to wrap it in a full package so I know it\'s ergonomic and environmental protection. I don\'t want to rely on the architect to put the right lighting into the building. I don\'t want to rely on mechanical engineers for proper ventilation. I know I have to put it in my bag as a standalone. \"The fully equipped Halo is free The standing environment is designed to allow the user to control the direction on the airflow, lighting, temperature, seat and even compass. It can hold four screens and 20 electrical pockets on two circuits. It can include warm In the silver sculpture, the surface of the wooden work. Its seat has a choice of seven adjustments and inflatable cushions. Its air- The circulation system can choose radiant heat and provide up to 22 filter changes per hour. It turns on its axis. Montreal-based Poetic Technologies, Collier, was founded in 1995 to develop auras in about three years --- Next year. and-a-half of pre- Production and Marketing- He said that there were 11 colleagues, and there were about 100 people in the end. \"There is no disagreement. We have social scientists, psychologists, masseuse, and ergonomics. I had four Ph. D. This project is ergonomic. The masseur told them, \'You keep putting them in that position (in the chair) I will continue to treat them. The masseur won that one. \"The only way to understand logic from two angles is to be on her side. \"The response to the Halo tends to indicate that many others have seen this logic as well. \"We have had about two months in the last two months. \"We have 2 million hits on our website,\" Collier said . \". \"It doesn\'t mean they\'re all going to be buyers, but it tells me that 2 million people say, \'We are not happy with where we are sitting. \"Our business plan is to build only about 2,000 stations this year. Now we are deciding to invest a second (production)shift. We just got a call from a defense project in California. - They\'re talking about 400 people. \"The high- End the full electronic model of the Halo list for $7,769. Another five models of the series- Ilan, epic, Muse, Echo and spirit-- Offers a wide variety of Halo-cut versions to take away the air Filter system or lighting or rotation, for example. \"Once people see it at the trade show, do you know what they say? --\'Oh, it\'s real. They will see it in the diary, but don\'t even believe it outside until they sit in on their own. \"The aura seems to have almost organic charm for a lot of information --tech (IT)workers. If you\'re a fairly casual computer You ask yourself some dyed. in-the-LCD friend. It is very likely that she or he will know about this aura and may tell you about it --- May want to have its cool at the extreme. \"They told me that workers like this work up to 12 to 14 hours a day,\" Collier said . \". \"So the slow rotation setting on the Halo lets you go one degree every four minutes. At high speed, you move 120 degrees in 15 seconds. \"This is one of the most talked-about topics -- About the features of the aura, its rotation. The afternoon sun on the screen? Just turn the aura around. \"The funny thing is,\" Collier said, \"People sometimes say, \'I don\'t know what I want when I rotate. But it\'s like a power window in a car. As long as you\'re using swing windows, you don\'t know how much you\'ll love power. \"Rotation is developed for sight. People will get bored sitting in the same place all day. This is enough to refresh. \"Unless you\'re Collier. \"I change my work space three or four times a day. I went from the balcony to the office to someone else\'s office. Most of my creative work was done at the mountain lodge 60 miles north of Montreal. \"I was walking around because it was refreshing. \"If you ask him how many concepts he has in his head right now, Collier knows:\" I have 22 inventions in my head --- Some are marketable, some are not. \"Those who do not sell will not go too far. Collier, you will soon understand that his strong demand for feasibility is close to his ingenuity. He already knows how difficult it is to protect a tangible, effective invention. Talking to Colliers is about exploring the strange balance between rational market savvy and sometimes bold creativity. The conversation is constantly changing and lasts for a period of time, and then swings temporarily as one interest turns to another. However, his stream of consciousness is completely understandable and full of laughter --- This is not naked. He stared at the professor and said that if he announced his real career, he was worried that people would think he was. \"I remember eating Christmas dinner at a friend\'s house. Her father, a priest, said to me, \"you are a true poet. I said, \'God, that\'s great, because I never thought I was a poet. But poetry is not limited to the lyrics of any imagination. \"So his company, the name of poetry technology. \"I remember inventing things when I was 10,\" I grew up in Chicago. \"I remember sitting at O\'Hare airport waiting for my father to come in and my mother and brother were there too. I will see this guy walking around the hall with a floor washer. Wash the floor and suck the water back. I wonder why they don\'t build it on the floor of the building. - It will come out, clean the floor, go back inside, just fine. \"Until I was 11 or 12, I would build decorative bird cages and take them to a women\'s beauty salon for sale for $4 per person. So I was an inventor at that time, but also a marketer. If you want to be an inventor, all you need to do is have a marketing background. After graduating from colliers high school, they started studying at the Tronto college in the suburbs of Chicago. But after a semester, he said, \"That\'s enough. As early as 1969, I became a distributor of Westinghouse, selling their \"office system furniture\"- We call it cube farm today \". Removable partitions and elevated floors were made. \"It is the working tools that inventors use -- The space design he rejected when creating the aura. Colliers developed and gained more clearance Can isolate the level of air lift the floor Adjust from heightLow voltage- Voltage wiring under the floor of the computer room. He works in high school. In fact, the technology company has brought him to several major jobs. In the 1980 s, Colliers developed 36,000 of the Chicago options exchange-square- Foot trading floor, 37 inch high. He also designed a modular trading pit for the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, which is indirectly high Discharge of strength (HID)lighting. But Colliers went to a miserable six. year patent- Protection War Not only did he struggle to address the complex issues of building codes and union regulations in these major projects, he also said he saw his floor drawings copied to the stationery of another company. \"Copy to the extent to which I misspelled the word\" tactacle \", you can see my handwriting and the words with the wrong spelling. The objective ( Claim his design is their competitor) Take all the orders and drive me out of the company-and they\'d win. \"I came to Montreal with a clearance contract with National Rail Canada. CN Railway said- Apologize to the company that tried to do business from Colliers-\"\'He has the U. S. Patent. he has a Canadian patent. leave here. \"They did the right thing\" and defended the contract they signed with Collier to implement his invention. Collier said he was shocked by how unstable a patent for an invention was. He said that although he did take back control of raising funds, he never recovered all costs in the proceedings The floor patent was later granted to a third company. Won the War and lost six years. But it was a very bad experience and you can\'t get it in the classroom. This is a good lesson for an inventor. Patents are expensive to obtain and protect. \"Colliers are not married. \"This is also a big drawback. As an inventor, I chose a career, not a personal one. I am very dissatisfied with this because I am not married and have no children. This is probably my next project. \"But if I had a family, I might not have taken the risk of developing the aura. I have a golf course 300 feet metres from my home. I haven\'t been here for two years. When they talk about the life blood of inventors and entrepreneurs entering the business, it is indeed their life blood. This is very expensive for individuals. \"Another product of so much personal spending is another upcoming model of Halo. What Collier said was\"EE-low\") Designed for call stations and 911 centers. Each unit will be a cluster of three stations with public columns. In about 18 months, Poetic will launch a Halo home model, Colliers said. At the same time, Collier said that back to work, too many employers have created a better environment for their machines than employees. \"People who build facilities for mainframes will spend up to $350 per square foot. If the host does not have the correct working temperature, the appropriate humidity level and the appropriate electrical equipment, it will stop working or spit out bad work. \"For a company employee, it costs about $40 per square foot. Because people have the ability to adapt. Including William Collier. \"My next invention will be consumer goods. People walk into the store and pick things off the shelves, I don\'t have to do sales -- Its distribution side. He said: \"He knows what the product will be, but he can\'t announce it yet due to patent issues. However, compared with the development of aura, he smiled at the thought of the ease of the project. \"Next,\" he said, \"will be something in the box.