will this be another summer of wildfire smoke and poor air quality in b.c.?
It\'s probably another kind of hot smoke. In B. C. Experts warn residents should consider taking preventive measures this year, such as staying indoors during smog days. B. C. According to information from wildfire services, the drought in the province has intensified,than- The average temperature in 2019 is expected to remain this trend. \"Obviously, we expect increased risk of wildfire and smoke, which is included in the southwest ( Vancouver Metro is). Higher temperatures can lead to higher ozone formation, so we expect more potential this summer as well, \"Metro Vancouver- Quality Engineer Francis Reese said Tuesday. Ozone is a pollutant that produces smoke when mixed with fine particulate matter, often stimulating the eyes, nose and throat, causing permanent lung damage over time. More research, including focusing on B. C. There is a close link between climate change and the worsening wildfire season. \"As we continue to see further warming, we expect that the model we are seeing now may continue and may even become more extreme,\" he said . \". The summer of 2017 and 2018 is B. C. On the Vancouver Metro, 22 days were not broadcast on last July and August Quality advice, three more than in the summer of 2017. Since 1996, the past two summers have far exceeded the number of consultations published in any other year, the first year of obtaining data. There was no air for a few years, including 2016 people. Quality advice. In 2018, B. C. The first consultation was released on July. In this dry, hot 2019 weather, it is impossible to predict whether this will happen earlier, Ries said. \"It\'s hard for anyone to predict exactly where and when these fires will break out. It depends not only on how dry the weather is, but also on how much we see some highly relevant activities, \"he said, such as thunderstorms or careless activities, including dropping lit cigarettes or unattended campfire. “(But) We certainly don\'t want to get into this predicted dryer. than- Usually we see something different in the summer than in the last few years. \"This summer, like the first two times, experts warn people to be careful when they are outdoors, especially those with asthma, lung disease, seniors and pregnant women. When air- Issue quality announcements to remind all residents to stay indoors as much as possible, especially where there is filtered air For example, some community centers, shopping centers and libraries. Dr Vancouver Coast Health medical and health officer says wearing a mask is not the most reliable way to try to stop smoke from entering the lungs during the wildfire seasonJames Lu. Air purifiers can be purchased and installed in the room to try to keep the house as smoke- Free as much as possible.