united kingdom air purifiers market to cross usd636 million by 2020 says techsci research.
Bennabee, Canada, May 06, 2015-(PR. com)-- Air purifiers are equipment that can absorb and decompose air pollutants such as formaldehyde, pollution, bacteria, allergens, etc. from air. Rising levels of air pollution, an increase in the number of households, an increase in the incidence of lifestyle diseases, an increase in the number of pet owners and a surge in disposable income are expected to drive the UK air purifier market. Vehicle emissions and smoke from coal In Britain, power plants are the main source of air pollution. With the expansion of the car fleet and the improvement of people\'s awareness of the impact of air pollution on human health, the country\'s demand for air purifiers is increasing. According to the recently published TechSci Research report \"UK air purifier market forecast and opportunity, 2020\", the air purifier market is expected to exceed US dollars by 2020. HEPA & activated carbon-based air purifiers have gained the highest share in the UK air purifiers market because they have higher efficiency and the ability to capture small air purifiers in the range of 0. 3 microns. Hospitals, research labs, homes, hotels, airplanes and airports are key terminals Users of the HEPAand activated carbon air filter. The demand for air purifiers is not limited to commercial and industrial sectors. Demand for air purifiers is growing for homes and cars. Although these air purifiers were considered top-notch products earlier, what the company is offering now is low Mainly for the cost of air purifiers in the residential area. Leading companies offering air purifiers in the UK include jardensumer Goods, KAZ air, Incen AG, and Sharp. More and more companies are developing new air purifier technologies such as ULPA, SULPA, plasma cluster ion technology, photo-catalysis technology, ultraviolet sterilization radiation (UVGI) Thermal sterilization system (TSS) Technology, etc. Meet the specific requirements of consumers. \"Companies that make air purifiers are working on expanding their existing product lines from indoor air purifiers to small portable air purifiers that can be worn around their necks while traveling in cars or working in the kitchen. In addition, manufacturers will also air purifiers \"To drive the application of our products in the UK, we have made air fresheners and humidifiers,\" he said . \" Karan check hi, research director at TechSciResearch, a global management consulting firm. \"UK air purifier market forecast and opportunity, 2020\" assessed the future growth potential of UK air purifier market and provided statistics and information on market structure, scale, share and future growth. Thereport is designed to provide cutting- Help decision makers make reasonable investment assessments. In addition, the report identifies and analyzes new trends and key drivers, challenges and opportunities in the UK air purifier market. Contact Information: TechSci Research Ken Matthews month 646 360 1656 contact www by email. Technical research. 2950 bernabbie border road, BC, Canada-