The spring brings leaves to oak trees and sends oak pollen into the air, causing millions of allergic patients to come into contact with anti-group agents and tissues. Oak trees usually pollinate on April and 5, with more pollen in the early morning. During this period, a daily report on the amount of pollen can help allergic patients identify when symptoms may deteriorate. Oak pollen allergy symptoms are similar to other pollen allergy symptoms. Although most of the symptoms of oak pollen allergy are mild and self- A serious allergic reaction may occur. Also known as allergic rhinitis, rhinesihay fever is a term used to describe a mild but annoying allergic reaction typical of oak pollen. Symptoms of pollen fever include sneezing, tears, swollen and itchy eyes, runny nose and cough. The throat and nose may itch and may have nosebleeds. Some allergic patients form dark circles under their eyes, called allergic flashes. Children often have allergies. - Slide the palm up to rub the nose. Methods for treating the symptoms of pollen fever include antigroup agents, eye drops, and reduction agents. Immunotherapy, also known as an allergic injection, helps make people with allergies less sensitive to this substance, thus reducing symptoms. When the number of oak pollen is high, stay indoors and use the HEPA air filter indoors to remove the particles in the air. When the number of oak pollen rises, keeping the window closed and changing clothes immediately helps to relieve the symptoms. Pollen allergy can lead to asthma symptoms in susceptible groups. Asthma can cause the trachea that carries air into the lungs to contract or narrow. Symptoms include shortness of breath, chest tightness or pain, accelerated heart rate, cough, breathing and difficulty in sleep. Severe asthma attacks can affect life. If the airway is narrow enough air does not enter the lungs, it is threatened. Asthma patients caused by oak pollen allergy, even if they are only seasonal episodes, need to be evaluated and treated in medicine with fiber dilator and cortical steroids to reduce airway swelling. Fatigue and sinus problems allergic to oak pollen can also lead to fatigue, headaches, or feelings of pain or stress within the sinus, or a decrease in taste or olfactory ability. Some people suffer temporary partial hearing loss when the symptoms are severe.