Most motorcycles in the world today use engines that burn gasoline, which leads to greenhouse gases and adds air pollution to the surrounding areas. Now, two scientists in India have conceptually designed a new cleaner motorcycle engine that uses compressed air to turn a small air turbine and generate enough power to run the motorcycle Their design is described in the recently published journal Renewable and Sustainable Energy, which can be combined with compressed air cylinders as a replacement for traditional internal combustion engines. In areas where motorcycles are a major source of public transport, in developing countries like India, this technology can significantly reduce emissions if widely implemented. According to Bharat Raj Singh, a researcher at the Lucknow SMS technology institute, one of the two authors of the paper, new technologies can reduce the current emissions of some regions by about 50 to 60, but there are still some technical challenges. A compact but high design Storing enough \"fuel\" compressed air tank capacity for long-distance riding is a major obstacle. The existing tanks need someone to Park every 30 kilometers (19 miles)to swap tanks. —