if we want antibiotics to work, consumers have to put big pressure on factory farms
In March 1, Danny stopped buying chicken that had been treated with medically important antibiotics for its American consumers. S. restaurants. Many consumers may want to see such promises on Whole Foods or on local farms --to- But why are chain restaurants like Danny (i. e. , Like its variety of cheap breakfast food more than its moral standards) As a matter of fact, Denny has joined more and more major fast food and fast leisure chains ( McDonald\'s, Wendy, KFC, chipott, etc) Policies have been put in place to ban the use of medically important antibiotics in chicken. This and \"antibiotics- It is clear that the claim is free ( \"Medically important\" antibiotics used in human medicine; Other antibiotics are only used in animals) But this is a key change that has been spreading throughout the food system over the past few years in order to protect human health. To explain the importance of this trend, a quick history of the problems the company is trying to solve is useful. According to the World Health Organization, antibiotic resistance is one of the top ten threats to global public health in 2019. When antibiotic drugs are overused or misused, drug-resistant bacteria can spread, resulting in common treatment ( And often very serious) The disease becomes ineffective. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at least 2 million Americans are infected with antibiotics. 23,000 of people die from drug-resistant infections every year. The use of antibiotics in animal agriculture is a major part of the problem. More than 70 percent of medically important antibiotics sold in the United StatesS. For sale to edible animals. This is not because cows are particularly prone to strep infection; Most antibiotics used on animal farms are not used as treatment for animal diagnostic diseases. On the contrary, most animals raised for food are raised in factory farms or in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). In order to produce animal products on a cheap scale, animals are packed together, causing crowded, stressful and unsanitary environments. This is a disease in itself. Propaganda for animals In order to deal with the possibility of infection and disease related to harsh conditions without actually changing these conditions, antibiotics have become a convenient band --Aid. As factory farming becomes the main mode of feeding animals as food, more and more farmers adopt the practice of regular antibiotics ( Sometimes even give medicine to chickens still in eggs) Keep the animals healthy enough to slaughter. As more antibiotics are used in this case, more antibiotics- Resistant bacteria are released into the environment. Pressure from public interest organizations, consumers, scientists, investors and governments over the past few years has led to a significant reduction in the use of antibiotics in edible animals, although much remains to be done. As awareness of the threat of antibiotic resistance continues to rise, consumer demand for meat without medically important antibiotics has steadily risen. According to last year\'s Consumer Report survey, almost 60 percent of Americans believe meat producers should stop using antibiotics on healthy animals, nearly the respondents said, they are willing to pay more for meat that is not raised using antibiotics. Consumer Reports and five public interest groups jointly released four editions of the chain reaction report and scorecard, prompting fast food chains to respond to changing consumer preferences and reduce the impact of their meat supply chain on antibiotic resistance. With increasing public attention and rampant growth in antibiotics, Anti-super bacteria, USAS. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) The guidelines that came into effect on 2017 removed the use of medically important drugs to promote growth or improve feed efficiency. Voluntary changes by large meat buyers have also driven this downward trend. The good news is that the industry is moving towards a healthier, more sustainable and more disruptive future. The FDA recently reported that from 2015 to 2018, sales of medically important antibiotics for farm animals fell by 43%. Consumer demand, federal regulatory trends, advocacy group pressure, and shareholder action have contributed to this progress. The bad news is that the hard struggle to change the food system has grown even more intense from here. Much of the progress made so far has come from the chicken industry. While chicken producers have been able to make fairly rapid changes in recent years to reduce the use of antibiotics, this is not the case in other industries such as beef and pork. The supply chain of these animals is more complex. So far, in the fast food industry, such progress has been made in formulating policies to avoid raising chicken with antibiotics, mcDonald\'s is the only big company that sets meaningful standards for the use of antibiotics in the beef it buys. Ultimately, eliminating antibiotics in other parts of the meat supply chain will require a real change in the way traditional agriculture works. In addition, the issue of antibiotic resistance is only one of the many negative consequences of the plant farming system. Factory farms are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, air and water pollution, and deforestation; From a moral point of view, the quality of life of animals raised under the conditions of factory farming is very poor. Antibiotics provide a window to learn about the deep problems in the animal farming system that produces most of our meat. The current model is broken. At the same time, in just a few years, the progress made by the chicken industry in reducing important antibiotics in medicine reveals the potential for change. The market responds when consumers demand more responsible meat. There are many forms of forces driving change. Consumers can vote in dollars every time they buy safe, nutritious, sustainable and transparent food. Buying food from companies that are committed to supporting these values will help create a food system that prioritizes health and sustainability. Health and environmental advocacy groups express concerns on behalf of consumers and communities to help drive policy change. Investors in food companies also have the ability to weigh the risk of poor corporate policy by engaging with the companies they own and voting in favor of resolutions that require healthier, less harmful practices. When all these advocates work towards a common goal, it seems possible to have a better food system.