goodbye life-size garden yeti: a tribute to skymall, the best inflight magazine ever
(CNN)— I never knew who ordered anything from SkyMall. I have never bought an item from the catalog myself. It\'s not a fresh cat drinker you keep kitty Happy and hydrated while you\'re in Tibet. Not an emergency evacuation hood, it looks like a cross between a 1950 astronaut training device and a child toy sold by Irwin Mainway. Not iGrow Hair regeneration laser. Definitely not 14-karat- Gold Cross pendant with 2,000year- A mite coin embedded in the old widow was sold for $199 in its heyday in early 2000. 95. Maybe I\'m just not traveling in the right circle, but outside of that bragging catalogue, I \'ve never seen a portable spa or robotic mower, not to mention the smart outfits, luggage and household items that actually fill up most of the pages. Of course, it didn\'t stop me from admiring the Grand Pride of SkyMall in its cabins in almost every major American city. S. Commercial aircraft in 25- Running in the sky for a year. SkyMall is not just an annoying space eater on the seat. Shuttle back and forth between airline promotion, security card and barf bag- This is the only reliable heavy punch line in those endless delays on the tarmac, and one that the airline has provided us with to guarantee five minutes of entertainment, there is one thing in that less stuffy cabin. SkyMall takes away the laughter from the number of online tribute generated after the bankruptcy announcement was published in the catalogue selling the Big Foot Garden snowman statue and other durable necessities, you will feel that SkyMall is always by your side In fact, since 1990, we have only been in contact with ion breeze personal air purifiers and vibrating tongue purifiers in the air, when a visionary American accountant named Robert Wally launched the catalogue, inadvertently allowing millions of passengers to jump between San Diego and Scranton and in those extremely painful jumps around the world The predecessor of the \"air shopping\" website-- The GIF master catalog also has some strange products that no one will buy, but somehow, apparently --- But now we are told that the golden age of on-board shopping has come due to the pressure of technology. According to the bankruptcy application of SkyMall owner Xhibit Corp, the widespread presence of mobile devices and Internet access on aircraft is almost doomed to the fate of the old war horse. But as a convenient scapegoat, the Internet is now very much like China, and I\'m not sure if technology is the real culprit here. SkyMall is not some kind of squeaky dinosaur, moving slowly and contentedly without knowing it. SkyMall\'s website created $80 in 2009. Revenue of 5 million, making it one of the top 200 e-commerce companies Business websites in the world. Increase Magazine revenue by about $50 million ( According to a report from Travelocity magazine, the company introduced roughly the same amount from the magazine in 2000) It is estimated that, just half a decade ago, the company earned $0. 13 billion a year. A 2013 Atlantic article raised strong doubts about SkyMall at the time Recently merged with Phoenix- A company based in Xhibit Corp said it \"caused various dangers. \"The Atlantic does not see good things in the future of SkyMall, but it has nothing to do with the public\'s declining interest in talking about photo frames and 1957 Chevrolet Bel replicas Air conversion with 3. A 5-horsepower gas engine that can safely transport people weighing up to 250 pounds. So, maybe there is a factor behind the death of SkyMall that is poorly managed. It seems possible, but I can\'t help but think the work here is more sinister --- Maybe the death of a place in the world that can always go ( Well, at least from 1990. To satisfy its impulse to the dog and the defamatory iFetch ball transmitter ( \"The best blanket\" Means less sad things. - Our sense of humor With the anger of the air, the anxiety, and the frustration of the traveler, in our increasingly tense sky, those moments of relaxed laughter and frivolous theft on board will eventually become free blankets, pillows and cocktails may not be allowed. As we all know, the flight is not as fun as it used to be, and with the passing of SkyMall it becomes a bit unfun. Adios, SkyMall. No matter what kind of journey you start, I\'m pretty sure you\'ll get there more confidently than we do.