construction work and house painting during pregnancy

by:Yovog     2023-09-26
So I\'m one of those miserable people working at home 30 weeks pregnant.
Even though I tried to avoid any building-related activities, I ended up having to move something around (10-30 bs)
, Breathe in plaster dust, and then when painters have to crawl on their limbs and clean up paint stains on the wood floor.
Now, I had to go to bed in the bedroom with freshly painted walls in the room.
It\'s zero VOC paint and it\'s very well ventilated and I have an air purifier there, but of course I\'m nervous about it being less than ideal.
I can\'t help but think that in my position, a lot of people have done this and maybe do more physical work in 30 weeks.
But what if it\'s really unpopular?
It\'s the evening, I feel good, nothing is more important than this except swelling and exhaustion (
What\'s new? )
But I was wondering if I would do some damage to the baby by doing all this.
Ladies, have anyone been involved in house remodeling or other demanding projects in the late stages of pregnancy?
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