your electrical goods could be covered by legal warranties years after you buy them - household appliances manufacturer

by:Yovog     2020-01-17
your electrical goods could be covered by legal warranties years after you buy them  -  household appliances manufacturer
Australian families may be tricked into buying extended warranty for appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines and LCD TVs, and some retailers have tricked into saying the items are only 12-to 24-
Consumer groups have chosen to warn of a monthly warranty.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Council calls for consumer oversight (ACCC)
And the state government, update the consumer legal guidelines and outline how many years Australian appliances should last.
According to the response of more than 2018 Australians and feedback from manufacturers, its 1,000 Consumer reliability survey shows that the life expectancy of typical household appliances is years, not months.
"We found that with some basic maintenance, the refrigerator should last 6 to 13 years depending on the price, while the washing machine and dishwasher can last 5 to 11 years, "Nick Brian, the choice spokesman, said.
Once there are new models in the store, Australians may feel pressured to buy new models, but "you don't need to change them every few years," she said ". A high-
High-end laptops will last 8 years, while high-end laptops
The smartphone should last six years. A high-
High quality oven can be used for 20 years.
MS Breen said Australians were tricked into buying products that extended the warranty period.
"According to the consumer's guarantee, if the product fails within a" reasonable "period of time after purchase, you are entitled to a refund, repair or replacement," she said . ".
Breen MS said she hoped that the release of the guide selection would prompt regulators such as ACCC to adopt these guidelines so that consumers can better understand their rights.
"If retailers refuse to give in, they [the customer]
"I can point out these guidelines," she said . "
"We want regulators to put forward clearer guidelines on the reasonable life expectancy or duration of the product.
"It's a very gray area and we just want to make it clear to the consumer.
Choice said it had raised the matter with regulators.
"The ball is on their field," Breen MS . ".
ACCC spokesman told ABC News it and other states
Australian-based regulators "after a recent review of the Australian Consumer Law, a range of issues are currently being studied, including providing clearer consumer product durability information to consumers and businesses ".
"There are indeed some challenges in the standard" reasonable "time period of product continuity under consumer guarantees, because various factors and variables may apply to different scenarios," she said . ".
Theme: businesseconomics-and-finance,small-
Consumer protection
Electronics, regulations, Manpower
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