worried about toxic air in your home? these simple fixes can help - best air purifier for smoke

by:Yovog     2019-08-03
worried about toxic air in your home? these simple fixes can help  -  best air purifier for smoke
Most people don't think much about indoor air quality, but they should.
This can be a problem with illness or health, or at least a problem with comfort or discomfort.
Mary Farrell, senior editor of Consumer Reports, said: "I think people are interested, but on the other hand, they don't do these small tasks to keep their air clean ,", the air purification system was tested.
Such as replacing filters on heaters and air conditioners, she said.
Or no exhaust fan running in the bathroom.
Or allow people to smoke in it.
"People still smoke in it," Farrell said . ".
A list of chemicals in cigarette smoke is like a print out in the USS.
List of toxic substances released by the Environmental Protection Agency.
But there are a lot of options for people who want to improve or protect the indoor air. In-
Deep report: the worst air you can breathe is probably in your own home. Barbara bolevka said you might be surprised that some of the air pollution in your home started with a reduction in pollution sources, a professor of nursing at the University of Wisconsin with family health expertise.
"Pay attention to what you brought home," she said . ".
Read the label.
"If you're burning candles and a lot of chemicals are listed, you might want to think about it," Polivka said . " He is studying indoor air pollution and asthma in the elderly.
Mike Taylor, a senior researcher at Pittsburgh AirViz, said if you have central forced air heating and air conditioning, buy the most expensive air filters you can afford
Headquartered at Carnegie Mellon University, it produces personal air monitoring equipment.
"When you spend more money on the filter, the return will not decrease," he said . ".
"You remove more particles every time you go to class.
"Add indoor plants," said Ted Smith, former director of innovation at Louisville, board member of the Institute for healthy air, water and soil.
In collaboration with Nans & Kraft flower shops, the Institute identifies and sells plants that are particularly good at purifying indoor air, including snake plants, tranquil Lily and Passos.
"In the United States, indoor plants are no longer a thing," Smith said . ".
"People used to have more indoor plants. They actually . . .
Working for you.
"Air filtration systems and purifiers can help, and some do better than others.
The consumer report has a purchase guide and BlueAir 211 is preferred.
The price for Amazon is $250.
Most of them, however, only clean up dust, smoke and pollen.
Russ Barnett said that in order to remove VOCs, people need to buy activated carbon systems, which is the main theme of the University of Wisconsin asthma study, who has been conducting air sampling in families participating in the American Asthma study.
MORE: The pressure of the county town chemical plant is getting bigger and bigger: the crowd said, don't let the Rubbertown chemical plant out of trouble, because the study found so many chemicals in so many high-rise homes, he said he was moved to buy a Dyson air purifier with activated carbon filters for hundreds of dollars.
Don't waste money on any air purifiers that produce ozone.
Yes, ozone-it's a chemical that has been creating smog in the skies of the city of Wisconsin for generations and damaging people's lungs.
"They make the air quality significantly worse in the name of purifying the air," Smith said . ".
When the University of Wisconsin conducted an air sampling study on elderly asthma patients, it used a professional
Grade equipment that can cost thousands of dollars.
The analysis was conducted by a trained technician in a university laboratory with more expensive equipment.
But technology is putting more tools in people's hands, and people promise to keep track of indoor air quality as simple as a thermometer showing temperatures.
Nevertheless, experts warn that not all personal or consumer air monitoring equipment is worth spending money, and that some are not very accurate or can only provide limited results.
Connie Mendel of the Louisville Metro Health and Health Department said that while carbon monoxide displays are a proven technology and useful tool, they are notable for other types of contaminants.
"We may see great things in the future, but I suggest anyone read the spec carefully," she said . ".
Smith said he was fascinated by the new wave of personal air monitoring.
He is bullish on the technology and believes it can help people control their environment and agrees that it is difficult for consumers to classify their choices.
He has been using a Foobot for $199, offering the overall level of volatile organic compounds
Not individual chemicals like those in American studies.
It also measures particles.
Smith said the institute is advising the company on how the technology can better communicate with people using the technology.
MORE: Louisville areaMore forecast poor air quality: Air-
Quality rules are not ignored | TalleyConsider sees the results of this display as a starting point to explore part of your environment, he said.
"You shouldn't panic," he warned . "
"People live like this all the time (
Without these monitors).
It was not until recently that we began to have tools to do these things.
"AirViz made this spot, it only monitors the particles, there are two models, one is $149 and the other is $199.
The technology is improving, "says the grievor," at the forefront of what we can do.
"It's good for curious people," he said.
"You can see the pattern coming up," Taylor said . "
"Your air quality can get worse when you cook.
When I vacuum, the air quality gets worse in a short time, but if I buy a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter, you can see it's worth it.
He admitted: "The monitors are not suitable for all.
"For those who are paralyzed by this information, they are not very good," he added . ".
Reach reporter James Brugs 502-582-
4645, @ Express at jbruggers-journal. com.
Reporter James Bruggers wanted to know, so he tested the air quality at his Louisville home.
Check out what the test shows when James shows you his house on Facebook Live on Monday morning. Have questions?
Send email to jbruggers @ courier-journal.
Com, or ask them in the broadcast via a comment video.
Listening Time: 9: 30m. Monday, Sept. 11 at facebook.
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