workers enter japanese reactor building for first time since disaster - air purifier for mold

by:Yovog     2022-11-01
workers enter japanese reactor building for first time since disaster  -  air purifier for mold
"A team of workers have entered the Fukushima Daiichi reactor building.
According to NHK, the ichi nuclear power plant is the first time since the hydrogen explosion occurred the next day after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.
Due to the "high level of radioactive material" in the building, team members work twice at a time, 10-minute shifts each time, and they will install the air purifier first.
NHK said it was hoped that a new system could begin to be installed in a few days to circulate cooling water within the reactor.
Kyodo news agency wrote that it is installed in an air purifier "to prevent workers who are exposed to internal radiation from working, and to establish a new cooling system without it. 1 reactor.
"Radiation leakage at the Fukushima nuclear power plant forced 80,000 people to live in 12-
"The radius from home is miles," the Associated Press added . ".
Many people live in the gym and community center.
"According to Japan's national police, as of today, 14,817 people have been confirmed to have died in the March 11 earthquake and subsequent tsunami.
Another 10,171 people are still missing and 5,279 are known to have been injured.
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