Why engineering is a mega job - kids electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2021-10-24
Why engineering is a mega job  -  kids electric toothbrush
What was your first decision to learn engineering?
When I was young, we had a family friend who was an engineer.
It was not until a long time before I thought that he had influenced me.
When I was 13 or 14, I visited him at his job where they built a huge model of the chemical plant they were going to build.
This is probably the first time I 've realized that engineering is a career choice that touches a lot of things in our lives.
It may sound strange, but when you think of it, energy, food, water, clothes-almost everything you use is shaped in some way by an engineer.
I decided to study chemical engineering in college.
Do you have any other role models?
My parents played an important role in my career in science.
My father is a material scientist and a lecturer at the University of Sussex, and my mother is a nurse.
Our table talk can include anything from energy security to the latest treatments for particle physics to leg ulcers.
How did your parents help you build scientific capital?
My dad always picks up scrap metal from the yard of the breaker and does something amazing like windmills and solar heaters (
Not working).
We always have a lot of things around the house that we can play with and do things.
I remember my father welding the pieces in the drawer together to make the radio.
My parents encouraged me very much.
My parents will take me and my brother to the Science Museum in London.
This is the annual pilgrimage.
We play with machines every Christmas.
I learned there how the engine works.
Then, when we get home, my dad will let me under the car and help him fix it.
He would say, "You know what's going on now, let's go.
How do you build your own children's science capital?
I have three children.
My daughter just went to college and studied civil and architectural engineering.
I DIY around the house and they saw me take things apart and fix it.
They also like to make things.
The best birthday gift I got was when the kids walked into the garage and made me crazy.
They used to make me a spoon stand with a magnet.
It's a meaningless thing, but it's interesting.
My daughter made a stand for all the individual heads of the electric toothbrush, usually lying around the bathroom. It’s ingenious.
If you listen carefully, you will find that the children will ask some very smart, search questions, which is very important to encourage.
I remember hearing it one time.
The school child asked his father why all the trees were green except that one.
What a good question!
Do you like science at school? Yes.
The teachers are very interesting.
I remember that my classmates and I set up a website that was essentially illegal on a parent Open Day night.
We distilled beer, extracted alcohol from it, and then labeled it with the words "separation of unknown mixture ".
Of course, you can smell what we're doing a mile away.
Many dads have come to taste.
This is very irregular and interesting.
These experiences are with you.
I went to a comprehensive school and not many people in my team continued to learn a certain level and few studied science.
That means I'm taking a small science class.
I remember only three of us in the class doing chemistry.
So far, what are some of the highlights of your career?
I was lucky because I was developing technology from the design stage to the build technology, and I also worked with the operator who started the facility I designed.
It is very rare to get this opportunity because it can take a long time from start to finish-sometimes it takes 10 years.
It's a real excitement to see what you design really sprouts and works.
Of course, there will be a lot of pressure when you start up a facility that you design, because you know where your fingers will point if something goes wrong.
On the other hand, it was a very rewarding experience.
I also have the opportunity to travel and work in multiple places such as Australia and Indonesia.
That's what it means to work in science and engineering-we have needs all over the world.
What is it like to work abroad?
I worked in Paris for three years and then in Australia for four years and had a great time.
I have lived in Perth for two years, just like living in a remote city.
But then I moved to kalasta, which is the end of nowhere.
It is a 1,800-kilometer drive from Perth, and there is nothing else in the middle. it was established in the 1960 s for iron ore mining and later became the home of natural gas processing.
Do you have any suggestions for people who may be considering a career in engineering? Go for it.
The world needs scientists more than ever.
Human beings face some extraordinary challenges.
We are consuming more and more energy, but it is becoming more and more urgent to solve the environmental impact of energy use.
Scientists collectively change the world.
From a personal point of view, I think anyone in my industry will tell you that this is great.
We are involved in some of the most amazing things you can imagine.
I work on projects that cost tens of billions of pounds to build what I designed. What a thrill.
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