‘whirlpool will launch products for premium india’ - small appliance manufacturers

by:Yovog     2023-04-12
‘whirlpool will launch products for premium india’  -  small appliance manufacturers
President Arvind Uppal said Whirlpool will be in the lead in three years
Chairman and managing director of the Asia Pacific region of Whirlpool India.
Our share price was once Rs17 in 2005, rose to Rs60 in 2008, and reached a record high of Rs338 in November 2010, making us one of the most profitable mid-term
The stock of the National Stock Exchange is capped.
In the past 12-
In the past 15 months, we expect growth to slow down and increase costs and innovation.
Launched 160 models in six categories this season, which shows that we are better prepared than anyone in the industry.
Even if the industry has gone through difficult times, we must strive for leadership.
During 2008-all of our categories have grown2011.
We grow in our strengths.
Refrigerator and washing machine
By some innovations such as Protton (3-
And ACE station (top-
Washing Machine)
Just two names.
However, we have made remarkable progress in the categories where Whirlpool is not usually associated --air-
Air conditioning and microwave.
Looking to the future, with the support of some great innovations, we see a huge opportunity for the refrigerator business to grow in 2012.
We hope to be a leader in the refrigerator industry in the next 18 months.
Fortunately, we were in the past 6-7 years.
This is largely due to the fact that all of the products and innovations we bring to the market are based on good
Research insights and consumer research.
Perhaps our only failure was the introduction of the oil heater in 2008.
We had an unexpected short winter.
Innovation, design, performance and quality will drive our brand.
Our 2012 summer release sets a new benchmark for performancefastest ice-
Make the fastest bottlecooling (
In the refrigerator)
Removal of 15 different types of stains (
In the washing machine). To be No.
In a diverse country like India, it is important to understand the dynamics of our population structure.
For a country with more than 0. 2 billion households, the size of the home appliance market is 15 million.
Many of these 0. 2 billion households are in India.
The big "mass India", a "medium India" with about 65 million households and a "quality India ".
So if we want to be No.
In India, we have to solve the problem of every consumer group.
Whirlpool is very strong in terms of "Volkswagen" and "Central India", and as we strengthen our position there, we are expanding our vision to launch a "quality India" that can meet"In the next 12-
We expect to be the leader in refrigerators and washing machines in 18 months
One home appliance company in three years.
We have the lowest penetration rates in emerging markets such as Brazil, China and Southeast Asian countries.
This is a huge opportunity for growth.
India is a very large and diverse market both economically and socially.
So consumer insights in India need to be very localized geographically, not just the country --specific.
Water is a strategically important category in India and we want to be the leader there.
We see great opportunities for value creation here.
As far as the inverter is concerned, these are important but tactical opportunities. as long as there is such an opportunity, we will take advantage of our brand.
We have achieved modest success in the power accessories business.
Whirlpool India has always been low-Cost Innovation.
It has won many awards for creating value.
Create products with very low capital.
As India is becoming more relevant to Whirlpool, we will hopefully innovate continuously for the benefit of our Indian branch and the entire whirlpool.
Our goal is to be a company with more than 15,000 dealers in India.
We will go from the home appliance industry to professional kitchen manufacturers. Air-
Air conditioning is sold from the home appliance store and from the professional exchange industry called SSD (
Sales and Service Dealers).
The water has entered the appliance and small appliance stores.
We plan to add 10% stores a year.
We also have about 100 brand stores that will also get attention and money in our channel strategy.
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