When headache gets too hot to handle - what's the best oral b electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-06-12
When headache gets too hot to handle  -  what\'s the best oral b electric toothbrush
Mercury has been hovering around 42-
In this city, C degrees mark those who are exposed to high temperatures, and will be affected even if it is only a short period of time.
Headache usually lasts for several hours and is one of the many painful forms of uneasiness people face.
Doctors say the cause of persistent headaches is the loss of electrolyte such as sodium and potassium, which play a key role in brain and nervous system functions.
Explain the importance of electrolyte
Vijay Saradhi, director of neurosurgery, Nizam Institute of Medicine (NIMS)
Any change in electrolyte levels affects the brain here, which is a sensitive structure.
He says sodium is the key to maintaining electrical conduction in the brain, and brain function is affected when sodium levels drop.
In this case, people must eat salt water, the doctor said. Saradhi. B.
Nagender, president of Osmania General Hospital, said that when a person is sweating, the electrolyte is lost with it.
Headache is a reaction.
People exposed to high temperatures in the summer also complain about muscle pain, vomiting and diarrhea.
He advised people to eat oral tonic salt (ORS)
Restore electrolyte balance with solution and tender coconut water.
To make matters worse, Hyderabad will have more mercury than the 43 highest this season.
2 ℃, recorded on May 15.
Officials at the Hyderabad meteorological center say there are signs that temperatures will soar further by the end of this month.
The city's highest temperature in the past decade is 44.
5 degrees, recorded in 2010.
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