what you need to know this week - skin care device

by:Yovog     2021-06-15
what you need to know this week  -  skin care device
BrocolliSource: all the latest health news from skin care to the dangers of mobile phones.
> Essential nutrition-bitterness is a naturally occurring vitamin ――
Like substances found in every cell of the body.
It plays an indispensable role in energy production and is a powerful antioxidant.
In foods such as beer yeast and green leafy vegetables (such as spinach and broccoli), fatty acids are not considered a necessary nutrient because it is also made in the body.
To convert glucose into energy to fuel the body, thioctic acid is needed.
It plays an important role in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism.
By promoting better conversion of sugar into energy and improving blood sugar control, supplemental fatty acids may also help people with diabetes.
As an effective antioxidant, bitter acid neutralizes free radicals in the body and helps prevent the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and nerve degeneration.
Bitterness is unique because it is soluble in both water and fat, making it a wide range --
Spectrum antioxidants, able to contact and protect the moisture and fat parts of the body.
The researchers also found that bitterness seems to slow down the aging process.
This important nutrient tends to return to the level of glucose, a protective antioxidant and detoxifying compound that naturally declines with age.
Thioctic acid also helps to enhance immune function with strong resistance
Inflammatory Agent
Although the skin also produces fatty acids as it grows older.
One of the effects of bitterness is to inhibit cross-reaction
Connection, which contributes to the aging process, resulting in hardening of the arteries, wrinkle of the skin, and stiffness of the joints.
Although the body produces fatty acids, in order to protect against oxidation, additional intake is required in the diet or by supplement.
There are bitter pills and capsules in the health food store.
Recommended dosage 20-50 mg daily.
Do you know that if you have a poor sense of smell and taste, it may mean you are zinc deficient?
Are you protected?
Sun lovers should be careful.
Many creams claiming to provide sun protection may not block UV rays
This is a light, according to the new study.
At present, the company only needs to provide how much UV-
Protection provided by product B, not UV-A. UV-
A penetrate deeper into the skin, which can also cause the skin to darken and destroy the elastic protein and collagen, resulting in wrinkles and aging. The UV-
Over time, light can also damage the DNA of the cells, causing skin cancer.
Too much or too little time on the computer can cause trouble for the two.
For teenagers, it is normal to go online for a few hours a day.
But a new study found that spending more money, or not surfing the Internet at all, could be related to depression.
Researchers at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, say that this is not a computer's fault, but a situation in which the Internet is heavily used or not used
Use, may be a sign of a problem with a teenager.
Among male adolescents, heavy users and non-
Users are all around one.
Third, there is a greater chance of a high score of depression compared to "regular" users.
Among girls, the risk of severe Internet users suffering from depression increased by 86%, rather
Compared with the average user, the user's probability is increased by 46%.
Since teenagers usually connect with friends online, researchers speculate that people who never access the Internet may be more socially isolated.
As for the large use of the Internet, the reason is not clear.
The researchers found that 18% of male users were overweight compared to 12% of ordinary users.
Of the female adolescents, 59% of the heavy Internet users sleep
In contrast, the proportion of ordinary users is 35%.
> Cell phone and brain tumor, these results are on the long-
Long-term exposure to microwaves in mobile phones suggests that this does increase the risk of brain tumors.
To date, only 11 published studies have provided data on the risk of brain tumors in people who have been using their phones for more than a decade.
The largest data source is funded by the wireless communications industry and there are some important flaws, including the relatively short time spent using a mobile phone.
However, a series of independent studies led by Swedish cancer expert Dr.
Lunate Hadel came to a different conclusion.
The results show that the more time it takes to use a mobile phone over time, the higher the risk of developing a brain tumor.
With the power level of the wireless device, the years since its first use, the total exposure time, and the young age at which it began to use the wireless phone, the risk also increases.
Methods to reduce exposure to these microwaves include limiting the number and length of calls, limiting the use of children's mobile phones, communicating through text rather than voice, and wearing "air pipes" headphones (
Not regular wired headphones)
Instead of putting the phone on the ear.
Studies have shown that antioxidants may increase the chances of pregnancy, and antioxidant supplements may be beneficial to couples who are having trouble getting pregnant.
In this study conducted by the University of Auckland, men with low sperm count or low sperm activity were given different types of oral antioxidants, including vitamin E, L-
Base, zinc, magnesium.
A couple are more likely to be pregnant or live if men take antioxidants than the control group.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~> 90% the development of nearly 90% months old is allergic to peanuts, and the first reaction of severity and age remains unchanged.
One of the eight Australian adults has genital herpes.
About 80% of patients with genital herpes do not know that they are infected with the virus.
> 26 days more than 50% of patients with severe psoriasis due to the average annual unemployment of psoriasis 26 days> Do you know?
A survey of parents showed that 4 of the 10 children missed breakfast at least once a week, and parents often claimed that their children did not have time to eat before school.
Glenn Kadwell, a Certified Practicing dietitian, said, "At the very least, children should eat a banana before they go to school.
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