What's the future of virtual sex? - simple electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-07-21
What\'s the future of virtual sex?  -  simple electric toothbrush
Physical contact is not free in the digital world, they call it "carnal knowledge ".
The embrace of each loved one is essentially meaningful data, but to what extent can we truly digitize, transmit and receive this information?
Let's start with touch.
Of course, a computer mouse or video game joystick allows you to operate items in a computer environment, but the field of physical contact belongs to the field of computer touch.
As shown in the photos on this page, tactile technology usually takes the form of gloves, and users can not only control virtual items, but also really feel virtual items.
Compared with our vision, our tactile knowledge is very little, so the continuous development of tactile gloves involves advanced measures such as the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)brain scans.
Hijacking of this technology for sexual purposes is inevitable, but there is a more urgent need to finance computer touch, from remote surgery at a distance to military training and space exploration in virtual reality.
Of course, sexual contact is much more than using our hands, and scientists are already working hard to develop tactile technology for the rest of us.
Just think about the Hug Shirt, Bluetooth-
Enabled clothing from the United StatesK.
CuteCircuit uses embedded sensors and actuators to simulate the warmth and touch of affectionate hugs.
Suddenly, a hug across the ocean becomes as simple as a text message.
Or, if you prefer Randy's stuff, shake up in the Kiss launcher prototype at the Kajimoto lab at Tokyo University of electronicsCommunications.
The device is similar to the crossover between an electric toothbrush and a joystick designed to transmit all tongue
The intensity of the French Kiss's rotation on the digital divide.
Between the hug shirt and the kiss transmitter, you never have to type "XOXO" at the end of the email"mail again.
For now, however, neither technology has been commercialized.
As for all other physical contacts including human sexuality, just look at the remote voice field, this largely depends on the development of vibration or other automated toys controlled by remote users or programs. As low-
It sounds like technology (
And generally)
The electronic transmission of physical pleasure needs to be quite high.
Dr. Technology Steering
The climax of Stuart Malloy
Created in 2008, the device sends a pulse through the nerves in the spinal cord to inform the female genitals of the part in which the brain deals with pleasure sensation.
A study published in the journal NeuroRegulation even reported that four women who had previously lost their ability to experience orgasm had regained their orgasm with the device [source: Nuzzo].
In the example of orgasm, we see that the future of virtual sex depends not only on tactile gloves and vibration sensors, but also on the complex operation of the human nervous system.
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