what's the best way to wash pesticides off apples? - what's the best air purifier to buy

by:Yovog     2021-05-03
what\'s the best way to wash pesticides off apples?  -  what\'s the best air purifier to buy
Apple is a repeat (EWG)
List of "dirty hits.
They ranked fourth in the register of agricultural products with the highest pesticide residues, second only to strawberries, spinach and peaches.
Given the level of pesticide use, how thorough should you wash before biting an apple?
Wipe your sleeve quickly or pass under the tap?
A new study by the researchers shows what is the best way to remove pesticides from apples: Soak fruit with baking soda solution.
When you bought an apple in the American supermarket, the Apple had already been washed.
Usually solution with bleach)
And rinse, research author, Dr. D. told .
But the purpose is to wash away the dirt and remove any pollutants;
No pesticides are removed.
It is reported that "apples tend to contain the most pesticides because chemicals are applied to crops before and after harvest to extend their preservation time.
As the consumer report points out, the longer your product is not cleaned, the deeper the chemicals are absorbed.
UMass Amherst researchers tested the efficacy of three different washing methods for organic Gala apples, and they sprayed two common washing methods on organic Gala applesUsed Pesticides
24 hours after leaving the Apple, the researchers cleaned the apple with clear water, which is usually used commercially in the United StatesS.
Or baking soda-water solution.
Two minutes later, the baking soda solution removed the most pesticides, and the normal water was more effective than the bleach solution. It took a 12-to 15-
A minute bath in a baking soda solution completely removes pesticide residues.
"One thing that surprised us is how long it will take to wash away pesticides," he said, according to reports . ".
In order to adopt this method at home, she recommends dissolving a teaspoon of baking soda every two cups (500 mL)of water.
Soak the fruit for at least two minutes (
The longer the better)
, Rinse with tap water before eating.
Peeling is certainly an option, but as the researchers point out, you will miss the fiber and nutrients in your skin.
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