- what's the best air purifier to buy

by:Yovog     2021-05-06
  -  what\'s the best air purifier to buy
More and more Americans use prepaid cards as a way to pay for prepaid cards in 2014 with hundreds of billions of dollars.
They work like debit cards.
"It's just that it's not attached to your bank account," said Margot Gilman, head of the money content development team for Consumer Reports.
This explains why these cards are attractive in the first place among people without a bank.
"They can't afford the fees associated with maintaining a check account, and maybe they're not eligible for a credit card," Gilman said . ".
As a result, prepaid cards are becoming more and more popular in the group.
Gilman said their appeal had expanded.
Parents use them as a way to limit spending to college students.
Others use them as a personal budget tool.
So saying that you only spend X dollars a month on clothes, she said that you can load the prepaid card with that money, and because you can't overdraw, you will stick to this limit.
Despite their benefits, consumers need to choose their cards carefully, Gilman said.
First, compare the cost.
"There is a fee to buy it, sometimes just to install money and use ATM, so different cards have different cost structures," she said . ".
Divided into two categories
Used in conjunction with a bank account and used as a replacement for a bank account.
In addition to the cost, they looked at security features, value, and convenience.
"For example, any brand Visa or MasterCard card will have a wider range of cards than the brand American Express," Gilman said . ".
Amex cards are just less widely accepted.
"In general, Consumer Reports have found that prepaid cards become better than when they were first introduced.
Lower fees and greater transparency.
But they say there is room for improvement.
For example, some cards voluntarily provide additional security, such as FDIC insurance or prevent fraud --
Measures the Consumer Union wants to expand.
"So they are safer for all consumers," Gilman said . ".
The Consumer Financial Protection Agency is expected to release new regulations on prepaid cards this year.
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