what is aromatherapy? a guide to a holistic practice - best skin care devices

by:Yovog     2021-07-07
what is aromatherapy? a guide to a holistic practice  -  best skin care devices
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Aromatherapy is the use of aromatic plants-
Essential oils for therapeutic purposes.
The purpose of this practice is to promote physical, mental and mental health and balance.
These oils are concentrated extracts extracted from various plant sites such as seeds, roots, leaves and flowers. (flickr)
Authorized by-CCSA 2.
Although we still do not know the actual effect of aromatherapy, the physical benefits of mainstream medicine are quite doubtful, the popularity of this practice has increased.
The use of essential oils is very popular as a natural and simple way to relieve stress.
In addition, essential oils are widely used in beauty and body care.
Specialized spa and beauty clinics employ them for this purpose.
Aromatherapy is fun to practice at home as long as we keep common sense and caution at all times.
Speaking of this, we may have done it without realizing it.
In practice, aromatherapy can be as simple as adding your favorite spices to your dishes, arranging fragrant bouquets, and even using your favorite fragrances!
In the east and west, historical plants have been used for the Millennium (ref encycl).
In ancient Egypt, religious rituals included the use of scented water, oil, incense, resin and various creams.
As early as 3000 B, herbs and aromatherapy were used in China. C.
Ayurvedic, a traditional Indian medicine, also includes herbal treatment.
Credit: essential oil-Pharmazie-
Basel Museum of Historyflickr)
2 authorized under CC.
Romans and Greeks also know the medicinal properties of many different herbs.
Herodotus was the first person to record the pine fat distillation process around 425 B. C[3].
Greek doctor hipokradi wrote a different set of medicinal plants.
Centuries later, Arabic doctors and naturalist Avicenna mentioned the process of herbal cleaning.
The modern history of aromatherapy began in 1937 with French chemist René-
Published by Morris gattefosséxa0Aromatherapy: les essentius, the story of hormones.
The English version of the book was published in 1993 [1].
French doctor Jean Valnet used plant spices in World War II as a skeptical treatment for wounded soldiers4].
His work helps promote essential oils for medical and psychiatric treatment in France.
Later, French biochemist maguerite maory promoted the beauty effect of essential oils [5].
The first book on this topic is the art of aromatherapy written by Robert tislan in 1977.
This makes aromatherapy very popular in the UK.
In the 1980 s, it also became popular in the United States.
There are three different ways to use Aromatherapy: inhalation, direct application of skin and internal use.
I must stress that the third method can only be used under the supervision of certified aromatherapy experts. 1.
The easiest way to breathe in essential oils is to breathe in essential oils.
It can be inhaled directly or indirectly.
A very common practice is to drop a few drops of extract on a paper towel or handkerchief and breathe in gently.
Adding a small amount of oil to a bowl of hot water can be used as a steam treatment.
Commercial steam units can also be used in this method.
This particular aromatherapy technique is used to treat breathing problems and skin conditions.
Alternatively, a hot bath with essential oils can have the same effect, not to mention being very relaxed.
Credit: the fragrant candle by Hugo.
Argentina on Samogitian language Wikipedia, licensed under CCSA 3.
In order to disperse the fragrance into a large room or area, there are several devices available, such as essential oil diffuser, vaporizer and bulb ring.
These are of great help in creating a healthier home environment. 2.
Applying essential oils directly is very effective and must be diluted in lotion or carrier oil before you can safely use them on your skin.
Carrier oil is also called vegetable oil, fixed oil or base oil.
These are usually made from the fat part of the plant (
Seeds, nuts, nuts)
They are "heavier" than essential oils "(
Made of leaves, bark, roots).
Carriers for aromatherapy include avocado oil, jojoba oil, hazelnut, olive oil, pomegranate seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower and sea --
Fruit oil.
Other excellent options include safflower, sweet almond, grape seed, hazelnut, apricot or peach kernel.
These are light oils that are easily absorbed by the skin.
The standard dilution range for essential oils is 2%-10%.
While some use is safe at higher concentrations, others must be further diluted in order to be used effectively and safely.
Essential oil massage is a common treatment.
Another method is to treat muscle pain using hot or cold compress and soak. 3.
The third method is the internal use of essential oils.
This treatment should never be self-
Management can only be carried out under the supervision of qualified health care professionals.
I have heard that some people use certain extracts in cooking occasionally, but I do not recommend doing so.
Essential oils are very complex, very powerful substances.
In Greek, we have the word "farmakon", which means either medicine or poison.
So, when you're dealing with these extracts, remember that it's two-way.
They should not be used for cooking.
After all, you can choose from a variety of very fragrant fresh herbs to make delicious dishes.
Some essential oils commonly used in aromatherapy 1. Bergamot (Bergamot)
Source: Bergamot essential oil in the public domain is an ancient Italian folk drug used to treat fever (
Including malaria)and worms.
However, it has a wide range of applications.
Its uplifting properties make it suitable for the mind and body.
Bergamot is recommended for depression and stress --
Relevant conditions.
It is considered to be able to relieve diseases of the immune, respiratory, digestive and urinary systems.
The fragrance is fresh and delicate, with spicy and lemon flavors at the same time.
Bergamot is also used as a condiment for the Earl Grey tea and perfume industries.
Avoid sunlight after use. 2.
Chrysanthemum of Rome (
Spring yellow chrysanthemum)
Credit: public dominnan is a great choice if you are looking for calm and soothing effects.
Chamomile flowers have warm, sweet and Apple --like scent.
Yangju is very helpful to both the nervous and digestive systems, and it can treat the skin condition well.
Use it if you feel nervous, angry, anxious, irritable, or if you can't turn off your brain to relax. It is non-toxic and non-
Irritation, but you should avoid using it on your skin. 3. Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea)
Credit: "Rat Lee sclarea, inflorescence, Boutiers 16" by Pancrat, under CC by-authorizationSA 3. 0.
Credit: "Rat Lee sclarea, inflorescence, Boutiers 16" by Pancrat, under CC by-authorizationSA 3. 0.
This essential oil has a strong aroma of leaves and nuts.
It is a deep muscle relaxant that can relax at the same time.
Clary sage is considered high-
Blood pressure, stress-related issues, digestive issues, asthma, migraine, muscle pain, stress, depression, low mood, and more. It is a non-
Toxic essential oils, but should be avoided during pregnancy. 4. Cypress (
Cupressus sempervirens)
Source: The essential oil of Gongyu cypress comes from pine needles and shoots of tall evergreen trees.
It is used to improve blood circulation and promote hormone balance.
It can usually be described as a clean oil suitable for breathing problems.
The Cypress has a pleasant smoky and forest aroma and is a wonderful deoderant.
Other applications include skin care for nerve tension and stress
Related issues5. Frankincense (
Boswelia carteri)
Credit: this essential oil in the public domain is produced by steam distillation of gum resin from a specific factory.
In aromatherapy, skin care is used to treat dry or wrinkled skin.
Frankincense helps with cold and menstrual problems.
When it deepens your breathing and helps you relax, it is also considered useful for respiratory problems such as asthma.
It has a unique Woody and spicy fragrance that is often used during meditation. 6. Geranium (
Credit: on a physical and emotional level, public dominguani is a good oil of balance.
It has a strong, sweet and heavy smell (
It smells a bit like a rose, but more mint).
This is an essential oil with a variety of therapeutic properties that is widely used in skin care for poor blood circulation or respiratory problems.
Mentally speaking, Geranium is helpful for various symptoms such as anxiety, confusion, and mild depression.
Use it carefully because it can cause irritation to sensitive skin. 7. Lavender (
Public lavender is an essential oil that is very versatile.
It has a strong aroma of fresh herbs and flowers and is well mixed with several other oils.
Lavender is widely used in skin care and beauty.
It also features a variety of therapeutic properties suitable for various skin conditions, breathing problems, various problems in joints and muscles, headaches, nervous tension, immigration, insomnia, high blood pressure, dizziness and many other diseases. 8. Lemon (Citrus limonum)
Credit: lemon essential oil in the public domain has a faint citrus fragrance and is very refreshing.
It is used to strengthen the immune system and treat fever, cold and infection.
This oil is also used to solve confusion and mental fatigue, tension and exhaustion.
This essential oil can make you more alert and focused.
This may cause irritation and sensitivity to some people.
Lemons are highly phototoxic and should therefore be avoided from being exposed to the sun. 9. Neroli (
Source: Public domain name neroli got its name from Princess Nerola in Italy and she likes to use this extract as perfume [2].
Orange Flower essential oil is actually.
It has a very sweet, floral and a bit bitter scent.
Freshly picked orange flowers produce a very calm oil that is perfect for relieving stress and emotional shock.
It also helps with digestive problems, poor blood circulation and various skin conditions or defects.
Like all citrus oils, it can also enhance your immune system. 10. Patchouli (
Credit: "Pogostemon cablin (leaves)
"Made by Forest & Kim Starr, CC authorized 3.
0 credit: "Pogostemon cablin (leaves)
"Made by Forest & Kim Starr, CC authorized 3.
Patchouli is native to Indonesia and the Philippines.
It is also widely planted in other regions for the production of essential oils with strong soil, sweet and spicy scents.
Patchouli is very useful in skin treatment and it is also considered an effective cell regeneration agent.
This essential oil is ripe and exotic.
It has the function of anti-inflammatory sterilization.
Patchouli has many other applications, from treating stress problems to insect repellent. 11. Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
Credit: this essential oil in the public domain is very stimulating to the body and mind.
It is often used to treat mental and physical fatigue.
In addition, it is well known to have a positive impact on the digestive and respiratory systems.
Mint is a strong stimulant, so it should be used in moderation.
The content of peppermint alcohol may cause some people to be sensitive.
It is best to avoid the use of epilepsy or heart disease during pregnancy, if using homeopathy, it is best to avoid using. 12. Rosemary (
Credit: Rosemary in the public domain has a strong herbal fragrance with a clear, warm and penetrating flavor.
It is considered to be helpful for various diseases of nerves, circulation, muscles and digestive system.
It is an uplifting essential oil with many spiritual and emotional benefits.
Rosemary is not recommended during pregnancy or for people with epilepsy or high blood pressure.
This list is far from running out because more essential oils are used in the practice of aromatherapy.
These oils are usually mixed together in many ways to combine their properties and enhance their positive effects.
Precautions for aromatherapy buy and use authentic high quality essential oils.
Some aromatic vegetable oils are very toxic and should not be used at all. These include (among others)
Bitter almond, coriander, mustard, sass, coriander, tarragon, camphor and Holly.
Many extracts are also not suitable for internal use, such as eucalyptus, wormwood, and rat plum.
It is important that you treat your oil bottle as a medicine.
To maintain the quality of the aromatherapy kit, please close the bottle tightly and place it in a cool position away from the light.
You also have to store them in a safe place, and your child is out of reach.
That is, small children should only be treated with aromatherapy under the guidance of certified aromatherapy therapists or healthcare specialists.
Although some essential oils may not be suitable for children at all, other essential oils can be used, but should be diluted further before they are safe for children.
Some may also be inappropriate for pregnant or nursing women or for people with special circumstances and health problems.
Pay attention to the dosage you use.
This is the number one safety tip for aromatherapy.
Aromatic vegetable oil cannot be used without dilution, at least without the guidance of a trained health care professional or aromatherapy practitioner.
When aromatherapy is performed as directed, there are very few side effects and risks.
However, some people may experience side effects that vary depending on the type of oil you use.
One of the most common problems is an allergic reaction called contact dermatitis.
If you apply pure essential oil to your skin, redness and irritation may occur.
Before you start using the new oil regularly, it's better to do a small patch test with the new oil.
Phototoxicity can also be a problem when using citrus
Essential oils such as bergamot, lemon, lime, orange and Angelica.
These can cause sensitivity to sunlight, so you should limit your exposure to sunlight for at least four hours (
Some suggestions even more)after use.
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