what are the treatments for swollen gums due to braces? - teeth water flosser

by:Yovog     2023-01-15
what are the treatments for swollen gums due to braces?  -  teeth water flosser
Braces or orthodontics are used to fix crowded or curved teeth and can be an effective way to correct abnormal bite or chin dislocation.
However, wearing braces is not without side effects. One common use of braces is that although it is usually temporary, the side effects are gum swelling.
Sometimes, this swelling occurs shortly after receiving a new braces or making adjustments, but persistent swelling may be a sign of plaque build-up, or is associated with continuous stimulation of the braces.
The best treatment for relieving swelling and discomfort starts with determining the cause, so if you have swelling that lasts more than a few days, ask your orthodontic doctor for advice.
Solve the teeth that are crowded on the surface of the teeth and make it more difficult to remove the plaque-
A soft sticky film that will not only cause tooth decay, but also cause irritation and swelling of the gums.
To prevent plaque build up, use a soft toothbrush to clean your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day.
While the presence of braces makes floss a challenge, try to clean the space between teeth with floss every day.
Interdental brushes can replace dental floss, which are effective tools to clean under and around the wires.
Floats like Waterpik are also an easy and effective way to remove food debris around braces.
After cleaning, wash the mouth with antibacterial or fluorine mouthwash.
If these mouthwash are stimulating your gums, try warm salt water.
Avoiding stimulation sometimes the stimulation of the braces can cause swelling and excessive growth of the gum tissue.
In addition to hard-working oral hygiene, you will want to avoid certain practices or habits that will further hurt or stimulate gum swelling.
For example, eating hard, crunchy foods can aggravate gum irritation and even cause slight gum damage.
Biting nails or chewing pens can also aggravate the swollen gums.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said smoking is also avoided or smoke-free tobacco, such as nasal smoke and chewing, as these substances are associated with an increased risk of gum disease.
There are several strategies for managing pain to fight pain and discomfort from swollen gums.
An easy home remedy is to apply an ice bag outside the mouth to help reduce swelling and pain.
Even drinking ice water can relieve gum swelling.
In order to relieve pain quickly, local anesthetic such as Anbesol and Orajel can be applied directly to the gums. Over-the-
Painkillers such as ibuprofen (Advil)
Or the pain (Tylenol)
It can also be used to control the pain and can even be taken before an orthodontic doctor makes an appointment to relieve discomfort during tightening.
If your physical condition is under the care of a doctor, or if you are unsure of the best option for pain relief for you or your teenager, talk to your doctor about safe and effective options.
The next step is normal to temporarily develop gum swelling after placing braces--
Or after adjustment
Keeping your teeth clean is essential to prevent gum irritation, so seek advice from the orthodontic doctor on best practices for brushing your teeth and dental floss cleaning, ask about other products or tools that help clean your teeth and protect your gums.
If gum swelling persists, or if you have bleeding, fever, or ongoing pain, please let your orthodontic doctor know.
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