west island man’s toilet explodes while city crew cleans sewers - top room air purifiers

by:Yovog     2021-01-24
west island man’s toilet explodes while city crew cleans sewers  -  top room air purifiers
When Robert bentney woke up, he found that there was a bad smell in the birkensfield family, and he began to look for the cause of the smell.
When he opened the door to the ground, he got the answer --floor bathroom.
"This is a disaster.
"It looks like someone exploded a bomb in the toilet," he said . ".
"This place is covered with sewage from the ceiling to the floor --
You're talking about feces.
No matter what you find in the city sewer, it enters the corridor of our home from my dressing room.
The taste is absolutely terrible.
Pentney noticed a group of workers running a large water pipe in the sewer outside his home.
He put on his clothes and ran to talk to them and told them to stop what they were doing.
The man was shocked when he persuaded a worker to go home.
"He said he had never seen such a thing before.
He told me at the time that they were blowing air through the system under very high pressure, to the point where they had to refuse. "He said.
Chaos in October.
After the incident, mittanini had to tear the walls and floors of the bathroom and use a dehumidifier and air purifier for bothand-a-half weeks.
More than a month later, Pentney's bathroom was still under repair.
Protection of the city of bikensfield is not pursued by sub-sub due to a special charter
Pentney's insurance company is making a claim directly to the company.
Pentney said: "The City of Beaconsfield is not responsible for this, who believes that there is a potential link between the backup in his toilet and the pollution reported by beacmontreal recently in St near bikensfieldJames creek.
Bikensfield Street
James Creek is contaminated with high levels of fecal coliform. The creek winds through several backyard-
Claire and bikensfield before entering the holy lakeLouis.
Water tests conducted from the estuary on October showed that the amount of fecal coliform bacteria per 4,500 ml of water was 100 units.
Every 1000 ml 100 unit of fecal coliform bacteria was think is pollution.
"This may be related to the work being done.
The question is if there is any damage to the sewer system.
"When the sewer is cleaned under high pressure, if the integrity of the structure is not there, it will easily fall into the water," Pentney said . ".
Murray Borenstein, owner of Lachine Borenstein plumbing and heating, said he heard that sewage was pushed into the house through pressure cleaning, but most families have a return valve that can handle pressure.
Beaconsfield officials will not comment on the grounds that the company subcontracted the "pending legal claim" for sewer cleaning for the city ".
Patrice boleau, director general of Beaconsfield, told the CBC that in order to help prevent sewage backups, all households in the municipality need to have a return valve.
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