washing machine x96 the unsung hero of our home - small home appliances

by:Yovog     2023-03-08
washing machine x96 the unsung hero of our home  -  small home appliances
There are many household appliances.
From the kitchen cutter to the electric chimney.
But have you noticed the benefits these appliances bring to all of us.
They work a lot, but we use them and never have time to think about what happens if these appliances are not there.
This article will tell you that these appliances are the unknown heroes of our family.
For me, the Unknown Hero is the washing machine.
If this is not our home, our life will be miserable. Don’t agree?
Let's take a simple look and you will know the true value of it.
Well, I'm from India and I have to say that all these appliances are on the market very late.
Many years after the popularity of Western countries.
In India, many people still wash their clothes by hand today.
This is a very hard job.
It's like a war in clothes.
But now many people can afford to buy washing machines and wash clothes in washing machines.
Let's imagine what we will do before the washing machine reaches our house.
First of all, we have to soak the clothes in the detergent water and place them for a few hours so that the detergent water is absorbed by the clothes, which will help to better clean the dirt in the clothes.
Then, when the wash starts, it will definitely end with back pain.
We will wash our clothes with soap and brush them again.
You have to rub soap and brush on the outside and inside of the pants.
It has been going on for sarees.
Shirts, trousers, towels, underwear, sheets, pillowcases, etc.
Oh my God, it's coming all the time.
People who go to work will wash their clothes on Saturday or Sunday.
It takes a lot of time to wash your clothes and start your day from here.
Six days later, people went to work to wash clothes, which formed a pile of unwashed clothes.
This is definitely a physical and mental drain.
Brushing our teeth does hurt our hands, just like doing some exercise.
It will be good if you go to the gym to exercise, but washing clothes will make you really tired.
Did you wash your jeans?
The jeans are already very heavy.
But it gets heavier when it's soaked in water.
It will kill your back.
Then you have to wash your clothes with many barrels of water.
By the way, I forgot to tell you that it is a bit difficult if there is a running water connection, but if there is no running water connection, it is like hell.
You have to pump water between the two, and you have to pump water with buckets and buckets.
It's really hard.
Finally, the drying process.
We must squeeze our clothes on the rope to dry.
Squeezing clothes will squeeze all your energy out.
It doesn't matter if the clothes are light in weight, but if it's jeans and heavy clothes, it will hurt your hands.
Imagine washing clothes to make me tired and then think about what it would be like to do that job.
If the washing machine is repaired and you have to wash your clothes by hand, then you will realize the real value of the washing machine.
Now you will surely understand what I'm talking about.
People who are used to washing clothes in the washing machine will never wash clothes by hand.
If they have to do so, then they will realize how good the washing machine is.
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