'VAGINA DISSOLVES': Chrissy Teigen gives vaginal steaming a whirl - home beauty device

by:Yovog     2021-08-06
\'VAGINA DISSOLVES\': Chrissy Teigen gives vaginal steaming a whirl  -  home beauty device
New mom Chrissy Teigen uses her genital steam as an-
Home Beauty Care
The model and television celebrity, married to singer John Legend, gave birth last month to their second child, son Miles, who has been asking fans to conduct a frank investigation into her life
Postpartum on social media
On Monday, Teigen proved that she was not afraid to try strange surgery because she experienced vaginal steaming with a towel on the device, and more
She has a warm pad around her neck and a white Moisturizing Sheet on her face.
"Mask/heat pad/vaginal steam", she made the title on the funny snapshot.
She continued, "No, I don't know if this works, but it doesn't hurt the right," and then added jokingly, "the vagina is dissolved.
"Teigen has not yet introduced followers to the success of beauty routines, but Gwyneth Paltrow tried this treatment for her Goop a few years ago.
Claims it balances female hormone levels.
Although the statement was not supported by medical experts.
The article drew interest from her fans and famous friends, commented new mom Khloe Kardashian, "Live Your Best Life," commented actress Gabrielle Union, "this
"Give me details now," model-turned-
As Jenna Dewan quipped, actress Brooklyn Decker asked: "You killed me.
"Teigen is not shy when describing her mother's ups and downs in detail online, recently complaining that her breasts are flesh and blood, while on Sunday, when she pumped breast milk to her husband on her way to a Father's Day dinner date, she posed a picture with her husband.
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