Ultrasonex Phaser Electric Toothbrush - top electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2021-11-25
Ultrasonex Phaser Electric Toothbrush  -  top electric toothbrush
www. saltoneurope.
Com 0161 9473000; £79. 99 single, £99.
99 pairs from Boots and John Lewis.
Stephen Collins, 24, is a user of a standard toothbrush and I'm a little scared.
Blurb talked about automatic timing brushing and 1 "leaving a human user ".
6 MHz ultrasound below the gum line to reduce plaque and bacteria.
My fear is gone when my teeth feel
Dentist clean, floss clean, make my mouth fresher than my non dentistelectric.
I am a convert.
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