twelve of today's most impressive young entrepreneurs - best air purifier 2016

by:Yovog     2020-09-11
twelve of today\'s most impressive young entrepreneurs  -  best air purifier 2016
It's hard to start a business.
This is the reality of the noise, hype and glamour depicted by today's entrepreneur spirit.
You don't need a job as a founder.
You have about a dozen bakers: leaders, storytellers, recruiters, product developers, marketers, salespeople, partnership builders, fundraisers, managers, cheerleaders, change Ikea furniture assembly
The list continues.
You need to adapt to the ability and flexibility, communicate modestly but firmly, learn quickly, implement good business processes and execute-execute-
Pragmatic implementation with goals and priorities.
If not, success is just a daydream or a short experience.
Remember: Great ideas are not just knocking on your door;
You have to chase them.
If it's hard to be an entrepreneur, it's harder to be a young entrepreneur.
Young founders have much less experience than experienced predecessors, and they have to be ready to do all these things.
They need to sit across from skeptical business veterans often --
Potential customers, partners, employees and (
Angel and venture capital)investors.
Young founders who work on ambitious issues face enormous difficulties.
However, successful enterprises will bring great value to our future world and even help us build the future world.
Recently, I have met many of my favorite young entrepreneurs and their companies, many of which I have seen for the first time at the recent global summit in Keros.
I will present twelve such promising enterprises in the following alphabetical order: 1. Chalk.
Com is like Microsoft Office for teachers.
This is a set for K-12 educators.
Chalk is used in more than 20,000 schools around the world.
By promoting personalized education and driving student success, Com addresses curriculum planning, assessment and collaboration issues, reducing the pain of teachers.
William Zhou, colleague
Founder and CEO of Chalk
"I always thought it was an easy job to teach.
I thought the teacher was teaching from the textbook and had 3 months of vacation a year.
It was not until I visited my own high school teacher that I realized this was not the case.
They struggled with a lot of work.
In addition to repelling angry parents and bureaucratic management, course planning, assessment and attendance are also handled.
I told them that I couldn't help them with the latter two tasks, but I could help them with the daily tasks.
That's when I started using chalk. com. ”2. Clef co-
Brennan Brian, founder and CEO, claims that "Clef is breaking the password.
Clef is a safer and easier way to log in to the site online without a password
We can identify your phone, not anything you need to remember or type.
"Clef has powered login to more than 40,000 sites and has grown rapidly in Bitcoin, gaming and developer tools sites.
"The only important security is the security you use.
Today, most people's bank accounts are protected by the dog's name or spouse's birthday.
We are trying to get good security for everyone by replacing complex requirements and making it easier to log in safely than not. ”3.
Codie is a toy robot and is an application designed for coding teenagers.
With more and more organizations, teaching programming outside the traditional classroom has become an industry, bothprofit and non-
Profit, there has been an offer to do so. Adam lippez.
Codie's founder and CEO explained, "Technology is right around us and for kids, it's not just about reading, it's about digital writing.
Children need to know how it works.
There are educational toys on the market, but they lack the depth that really helps children understand the coding.
We want to create a better tool to teach real coding patterns.
Codie is like the Lego building blocks of architects. ”4.
Colatris is bringing mobile applications worldwide.
When an app is on the international stage, it has to adapt to the new target language and culture.
In terms of paid services, internal resource consumption, and time to market, the process is called localization and costs are very high.
Colatris enables teams to deliver multilingual experiences in a matter of minutes so that they can target the growing global mobile market --on day one.
AJ Cihla, CEO and founder of Colatris, declared, "Our mission is to have a global impact on great applications regardless of team size or resources.
Colatris is breaking the language barrier for mobile apps.
Awesome technology should work effectively with any foreign language. ”5. Dosed.
Patients with diabetes are constantly estimating nutritional information and often incorrectly calculating the appropriate insulin dose.
Dosed takes both estimation and human mathematics out of the equation, making the information more accurate and eliminating the risk of human computing errors.
This is a mobile solution designed to completely change the type.
1 diabetes patients manage and track their insulin doses.
Daniel Finn, founder and CEO of Dosed, reflected, "My brother and Dosed's colleagues
Founder Jack was diagnosed with diabetes when he was 7 years old (he’s now 18).
When I was 11, we were together.
Create a team of brotherly love with the slogan "Save life and find a cure for those with types"1.
We have raised $1 so far. 9 million.
Along the way, we first witnessed
The challenge of how Jack and others control diabetes.
Dosed was born from these understandings and ideas about how to better manage and track diseases for millions of people.
Daniel also started another interesting company, Glass-U. 6.
Embr labs considers heat to be personal and they are performing a task of returning the temperature control to the most important person: the individual.
The first product of Embr, wristeify, is a personal thermostat that helps individuals stay comfortable by providing heating and cooling channels on demand.
The product also helps to reduce the amount of energy wasted in buildings. Sam Shames, co-
The founder of Embr commented, "We are passionate about the sustainability of buildings and the need to reduce energy, and we find that temperature can not only improve people's comfort, but also affect them emotionally, help them relax and rejuvenate.
The stories we hear every day from the suffering people inspire us because they can't control the temperature and believe that our products will change their lives. ”7.
Any digital display can be converted by Enplug's software (
TV, billboards, billboards)
From static, one
Turn communication channels into interactive and realtime display.
Enplug's app marketplace allows businesses to showcase the largest variety of marketing and engagement content for their monitors, including live social media feeds, trivia, news and many other third parties
Party development app.
Just plug in Enplug's mini device via HDMI and your monitor will become your canvas.
Liu Nanxi, CEO of Enplug, pointed out, "Our mission is to become a de facto platform for public computing, a new paradigm we are defining to bring the revolutionary development of the network into the physical world.
Unprecedented mobile internet connections occur on small screens in your hands (or glasses)
Reduce real users
Life interaction between individuals.
Enplug and public computing will be re-built
Establish, strengthen and generate personal connections in the real world. ”8.
Fever intelligence is a noninvasive, real-
The time temperature monitoring system allows people to continuously and remotely measure the temperature.
Its preventive solutions enable users to identify potentially dangerous health problems through early detection.
Fever Smart developed from an idea to a company, "a colleague at the company
"They were treated with chemotherapy and identified the need for continuous temperature monitoring," said co-founder Sergey Goldstein . "
Founder and COO of Fever Smart.
CEO of Entrepreneur Magazine Aaron Goldstein (Brother of Rebecca)
University Entrepreneurs in 20149.
Grove Labs believes that even in cities and cold seasons, people around the world can grow some of their own healthy foods where they live.
The current global food system is unsustainable because it erodes our soil, pollutes the loss of water, makes a significant contribution to climate change and hinders healthy eating habits
Making people grow their own food is great for the Earth and for humans.
Gaby pajamas, together
The founder and CEO of Grove remembers, "During his senior year at MIT, Jamie built an indoor water garden where we harvested fresh salad vegetables, cooking herbs, and other fruits and vegetables throughout the winter.
We realize that if we can design these systems while adding technology to make people's homes more beautiful and make their food easier and more attractive, we can build a very valuable business while making the world healthier and more sustainable. ”10.
Oxie is the first smart wearable air purifier.
Oxie is smooth enough to fit under your shirt collar and purify your air without covering up your smile.
Oxie combines advanced aerodynamics technology with a stylish, efficient design to protect users from pollutants such as traffic smoke, pollen and bacteria.
Sarah Tulin, founder and CEO of Oxie, revealed, "when Oxie was born, I was hit by a mass of bus smoke on my way to work.
Air pollution is the biggest environmental threat to global health.
Asthma patients are particularly affected.
Many patients are sure to have recurring costs and side effects of medication, and for many, this solution is preventable.
The dust mask is striking and uncomfortable.
Consumers should be protected in a convenient, attractive and achievable way. ”11.
VirtualU combines 3D human body modeling technology with fitness and healthcare space so that people can track body changes accurately while exercising.
The scanner for VirtualU VFit is the first point
10 k dollar scanner with millimeter accuracy.
It allows people to get their height, weight, BMI, body mass, body fat percentage, lean muscle mass and perimeter of almost every body partall with a 20-second scan!
Caroline pug
Founder and COO of VirtualU clarified: "This is a quantitative 3D self-conference.
Imagine being able to see your own 3D model on your phone and see exactly where you are adding muscle and losing weight.
People will no longer need to conduct extensive health assessments for up to 60 to 90 minutes to get the same information.
In the end, users will use our technology to make informed decisions, such as finding the right clothes online. ”12.
Wiivv leads the industry in custom insole, correction and foot care
Wearable technology
The company personalizes its customers by using their smartphones as 3D scanners, sensors
Modelers based on bioengineering and distributors of 3D manufacturing.
This provides services for those seeking sports stimulation, shoe comfort or improved body coordination. Louis-Victor (“LV”)Jadavji, co-
The founder said, "Wiivv enhances the shape, functionality and feedback of the feet through Biopower, customization, 3D printing wearables, helping to build stronger, happier, healthier ones from scratch
One day, Wiivv will add 10 years to their lives by keeping customers active and long term.
"One of the success factors in founder growth is that there are the right people around.
"You are the average of the five people who have been with you for the longest time," said the late famous Jim Ron.
The same is true for young entrepreneurs.
Keros society is a company that stands out on the road to bringing these young founders together in a community and helping them to market.
Miles bird, an early employee of kelos, recalls, "When I was a senior at Clermont McKenna, I was invited to the kelos Global Summit, which seems to be a great way to meet upminded peers.
Twelve hours after the summit ended, I knew that the opportunity at hand was not just the most impressive peer group I had the privilege of attending.
I decided on the spot to do everything I could to join the Kairos team and spent the rest of my time volunteering.
I joined kelos.
Time after graduation (
Throw a more secure, complete
Time consultation-
Sorry, Mom and Dad! ).
"As a mentor to kelos, I have observed that kelos is actually a super brokerage company initiated and operated by some cream companies --of-the-
Crop entrepreneurs, mainly in the early daysto-mid twenties.
I'm glad to see that the 50 companies and researchers in kelos are seriously trying to solve the real problem.
Improve people's lives, ease the pain of people and organizations, and add value to the target market.
These young entrepreneurs are pleased to recognize the role Kairos played in their growth.
They are part of a strong, growing network of alumni who will support each other over the next few years and support future kelos fellows.
Here are some of my favorite testimonials: Alex Fiance, the first complete
Kairos's time Team member and CEO commented, "while starting a business today is easier than ever, for young founders who aim to address major issues in areas such as healthcare and education, obstacles are still high.
Our goal at the Keros society is to provide these founders with a platform for them to get investment opportunities, to get customers, and to attract the right investors and consultants.
"Kairos reports that its portfolio companies have raised more than $80 million in the past 18 months;
Six were acquired and 22 were added to the top accelerator.
Current and former Kairos fellows also include some young leaders who have contributed to my new soft
The young leader of the Book 3. 0.
Their stories of success, struggle, lessons learned and reflection suggestions, combined with my analysis and the accumulation of wisdom, can fascinate or inspire you.
Are these contributors thoughtful comments or suggestions?
Please feel free to fire below! --Jason L.
Mais, author of Young Leader 3.
0: next story, insights and tips
Founder, CEO and principal mentor of threeeq company
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