turning an idea into the next big thing - home appliance manufacturer

by:Yovog     2019-08-19
turning an idea into the next big thing  -  home appliance manufacturer
For the new generation of social entrepreneurs, the pursuit of innovative ideas that have the potential to solve community problems is now helpful.
First build, a subsidiary of GE Appliances', a global home appliance manufacturer, has been turning the ideas raised by the community into products, and for a short time.
Take the Opal gold block ice machine as an example.
A community has proposed making small, chewy ice blocks instead of regular ones, which are hard to bite in.
The idea was checked to see if it was feasible, and a team discussed the details with the community members who presented the idea in the US.
After two and a half months, the proposal has become a product and is now doing well in the market.
First build is now considering bringing the product to the Indian market.
Another product caused by community problems
Solving motion is a precision Paragon induction cooker.
When the market is filled with products that can control the temperature of the oven, the stove helps to control the heat of the food.
Once the temperature is set, the rest of the task is done by the machine.
Both ideas were put forward by the community of Louis, Kentucky, and turned into products in a few months.
"After the successful launch in Louville, USA, we will start our event in Hyderabad in the next few months (2014)
Shanghai, China (2017)
"The director of Chandrakant Agarwal FirstBuild said India.
He's here for e-commerce.
Summit in Hyderabad, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-H).
He said they are also open to ideas from communities here and are ready to work with them.
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