Tried and tested: the 32 best travel gadgets you should be packing - best travel electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-07-02
Tried and tested: the 32 best travel gadgets you should be packing  -  best travel electric toothbrush
What is it?
An unusual portable electric toothbrush. why should I pack it?
Foreo's Issa 2 toothbrush comes from the same brand that gives us a fanatical facial cleaning device and is similar in many ways --
It feels strange to use at first, it looks strange, but it is beautiful
Designed a battery gadget that looks like it will last forever and is worth the hype.
Lisa Armstrong of The Telegraph speculated: "It's easier to clean, durable, and hygienic than your average person --or-
Garden toothbrush, double
Directional but gentle bristles and multiple speeds mean it is soft on the gums and tough on the plaque.
What makes it so travelfriendly -
When most electric toothbrushes are charged,
Its battery lasts for a year.
It is also completely silicone so there is no damp bristles to cope.
Buy: 149, Amazon.
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