trendsetters at work: disa nyc - best air cleaner

by:Yovog     2022-10-22
trendsetters at work: disa nyc  -  best air cleaner
Mom, pay attention!
When it comes to being a stone
Star parents, everything you wear on your baby is important, from the products you use on their skin to the clothes you wear for them.
The same information has always been important for toDaria Einhorn, creative director of Disa in New York.
Find out what motivates us. Women in Business (
She was inspired by celebrity mom and entrepreneur Jessica Alba)
Behind New York.
Based on children's line, insist on reading!
What was your first model job in Moscow?
How did you start as you grew up? I was always surrounded by children, so after setting up a spa and salon for the kids and having my own kids, I was inspired to bring some cool ideas to the children's fashion world.
It takes some time to find the right person and educate yourself, but since I launched the DISA NYC.
It becomes more interesting every day.
What is a typical day for you? The biggest part of my day is dedicated to my children;
Make lunch for them, pick up and drop off from school, and volunteer at school.
But I have five.
Working 6 hours in the afternoon: drawing designs, testing patterns, connecting with boutiques, etc.
Tell us about the renovation of your office.
When was the last time you changed your office? My office is well organized with a few white tables full of wind cream, a pin
Inspiring pictures, fabric samples and Sunny Park landscape boards.
The last renovation was less than a year ago, so everything looks fresh now.
What inspired you to launch Disa My boys in New York.
Also, I know the location of each dress, fabric, pattern, print, etc. is coming from.
Have your son ever been a model and have children of celebrities dressed in your clothes. Since I don't have girls, my kids will definitely be modeling with their friends.
The image of any child on the Internet is a sensitive topic, so I don't want to be involved, but I want all of our customers, including celebrities, to enjoy dressing up their children in my clothes.
As a busy mom and businessman how will you describe your personal style and what will you do
Clothing button-
Downs and skinny jeans with soft suede oxford shoes are my uniform for the day, and the silk dress is deep and soft in color for a business dinner.
See what is the best part of your job as a whole: from design ideas to patterns to actual work.
Very exciting.
What is your most daring career risk ever? The most daring occupational risk is from this lovely little idea of just considering handmade clothing, to going through the actual process: hiring employees, finding the right fabric, drawing and redrawing designs, etc.
Who are your professional heroes Jessica Alba and Jennifer Fisher?
Two independent women manage this magical world.
While raising children, well-known brands are very inspiring.
What is the best advice you receive? How hard my husband worked in his company, he definitely taught me to never give up by his example.
Finish the following sentence: I had sushi at the blue ribbon for lunch today.
The first website I log in every day is. . . com.
The Starbucks coffee I usually order is soy latte.
If I don't do the job, I will try to do it.
My favorite place to go is anywhere near the ocean.
List five things on your desk right now . . . . . . Records signed by Madonna (
Yay to 12 years I)
Our Chihuahua is on my lap, a beautiful bouquet from my husband, a charcoal air purifier and a double barrel candle for fresh energy.
The book I am reading now is . . . . . . Dr. Zhivago in Russian.
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