Track calculus not calories - latest oral b electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-05-08
Track calculus not calories  -  latest oral b electric toothbrush
Many of your patients are likely to start the new year with a good intention of losing a few pounds.
Why don't they be encouraged to track oral hygiene instead of calories?
Monitor their actual activity and they think what they are doing may be wake-up-
They need to change good oral hygiene habits. Oral-
B. The new SmartSeries electric toothbrush can help patients have oral health on their own.
This clever device allows dental professionals to program the patient's brushing procedures to their phones to ensure they follow professional guidance between appointments.
Control is delivered firmly to patients, but under the guidance of dental professionals.
With the patient's consent, the brushing duration, pattern, and problem area can be highlighted and information can be easily retrieved.
It's like having "big brother" in the bathroom!
While it is not possible to reverse the past, although surgical interventions cannot be ruled out in the future, patients can delay more severe interventions indefinitely if they are able to learn to take care of their oral health. Oral-
B's SmartSeries electric toothbrush can provide patients with a higher motivation to take care of their oral health, which is good news for everyone.
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