‘toothbrush charger’ fires up electric cars - wireless electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-11-30
‘toothbrush charger’ fires up electric cars  -  wireless electric toothbrush
The UK will install the first system in a few months that will allow you to charge an electric car without plugging in the power supply.
Cars parked in spaces equipped with this technology will be charged from a mat buried underground that wirelessly powers the battery in the same way as an electric toothbrush charges.
Traffic in London (TfL), which co-
Coordinate travel in the capital and will install the system as part of the year
A long trial took place later this year.
Its own fleet of electric vehicles, including Mitsubishi I.
MiEVs and Smith vans will be remodeled to charge the wireless space in the private parking lot of TfL.
If successful, wireless parking is likely to be available throughout London as part of London's electricity.
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