tips for surviving allergy season - central air purifier

by:Yovog     2020-11-08
tips for surviving allergy season  -  central air purifier
According to Isaac Eliaz, a visiting blogger and doctor of medicine at LAc, MS, allergy at the pioneer of comprehensive medicine may be a complex situation.
On the one hand, most people seem to hate more than health threats.
Symptoms such as nasal congestion, tear eyes, sneezing and runny nose are very inconvenient, but there is almost no life --threatening.
On the other hand, for example, food allergies to peanuts can be fatal.
The problem is, allergies can be more serious.
Terms such as poor immune system function and even digestive system problems.
In other words, there is actually no such thing as "just allergy.
"Every system of the body is interrelated, an outbreak of allergies --
Ups suggests an inflammatory imbalance somewhere needs to be addressed.
What is the cause of the problem?
More than 50 million of Americans have allergies and problems are getting worse.
Allergic patients and their doctors often solve the problem by not solving it at all ---
In other words, ignore the root cause while covering up the symptoms.
This traditional approach relies on suppressing allergic reactions, which may make it worse in the long run.
Typical drugs relieve head tightness from Amitin to EpiPen self
Control more serious reactions.
While treating symptoms is not necessarily a bad thing, it can distract us from potential problems.
In the area of Integrated Medicine, we strategically address the root causes while working to alleviate the symptoms of discomfort and promote overall health.
Allergies are usually caused by inappropriate immune and inflammatory responses.
These failures are also related to many other more serious situations.
In addition, stress can aggravate allergies by releasing cortical, adrenaline, cortisol and other stress hormones that cause inflammation, which over time can lead to immune imbalance and other problems.
These stress hormones are a necessary part of our "fight or escape response ---
Designed to respond quickly to dangers.
However, when stress persists, the continuous release of stress hormones can damage the immune system-
Either turn it up, overreact it, or suppress it so that the pathogen can gain a foothold.
Over-active or out-of-balance immune systems can lead to allergies and autoimmune diseases.
There is also a strong link between allergies and digestion.
Any amount of intestinal inflammation caused by digestive imbalance allows large food molecules to enter the cycle, triggering an immune response.
This allergic reaction can trigger an inflammatory reaction.
There are respiratory symptoms, skin reactions, digestive discomfort, headache and other reactions.
I suggest a more holistic approach to diet and stress rather than focusing on specific allergies themselves.
We should ask what is happening in our internal and external healthy environments that can damage immunity and promote inflammation.
This series of investigations can help us find the root cause of the problem.
From the big picture, we can do a lot of things to control inflammation, balance the immune response, and promote powerful digestion.
The most important suggestions include regular exercise, unhandled exercise
Diet, targeted supplements, healthy decompression, and adequate sleep.
Adjusting your diet can be tricky for allergic patients.
My basic advice: high
High-quality protein sources such as wild cold-
Water fish, organic meat, sprouted beans and grains, supplemented by fruits, vegetables and plenty of filtered water.
But there is also food that can be omitted.
The two proteins associated with allergies are gluten in bread, pasta, and other foods, and cheese in dairy products.
Lactose intolerance is a related problem caused by the undigestible lactose sugar found in dairy products.
In addition to stimulating inflammation, these aggravating agents can also damage digestion and cause sinus problems.
While gluten and dairy products are one of the most common sensitive foods, they are not the only response.
If you are allergic frequently, it is a good idea to work with a health care doctor who specializes in this treatment, who can test your sensitivity to specific foods.
Another concern is exposure to environmental toxins. or foodborne.
Invest in quality air purifiers.
In addition, choose organic food.
These two steps alone can reduce your exposure to allergens like household dust and pet dandruff, as well as factors that cause inflammation and immune problems such as heavy metals, antibiotics and hormones --
Destroy pesticides, among other things.
The most important thing is to find a way to relax deeply.
Admittedly, this is easier said than done.
We are used to being busy and we hardly know the other ways.
However, there is some health-
Promoting relaxation techniques, which can bring significant differences to people with chronic inflammation, allergies and immune problems, especially meditation, yoga, tai chi and Medical Qigong. These time-
It has been shown that traditional practices can reduce cortical and other hormones that trigger inflammatory reactions and have a negative impact on immunity.
These exercises are also very helpful for cardiovascular health and emotional health. being.
There are many supplements to optimize health that can help regulate the body's response to allergens.
Remember, allergies are perceived problems to some extent. -
The body senses a danger that does not actually exist.
I highly recommend one.
Tibetan herbal formulations containing Icelandic moss, cost roots, nee tree fruit and other herbs were studied.
This ancient formula helps reduce inflammation, balance immune responses, and enhance circulation.
It has also been shown to be clinically effective for rhinitis that is often associated with chronic allergies.
Medicinal bacteria such as Lingshi and cordyceps can reduce inflammation and enhance immunity.
Importantly, it seems that medicinal mushrooms can play a role in immune optimization ---
Instead of just increasing or reducing the immune response, they train the immune system to respond appropriately to pathogens and other intruders.
In addition, mushrooms contribute to many other aspects of digestion, circulation and health, including cognitive and life energy.
In addition, it was found that quercetin and orpinin with biological activity were very helpful in allergic reactions.
They can reduce inflammation and regulate the amine reaction. -
Solve the core of chronic allergy.
Homecoin extract is an active ingredient, and it is getting more and more attention due to the publication of a large number of studies on it.
Derived from magnolia bark, homecoin is a powerful auxiliary drug that helps control inflammation through a variety of effects, and is also an effective antioxidant and mild sleep aid.
Seasonal detoxification can also help control allergies by reducing inflammation
Produce toxins and promote a healthy digestive environment.
Many people report
Long-term allergy relief after recovery season cleaning.
Many times people "learn to live with allergies ".
But this may cause unnecessary pain.
Relying on traditional allergy symptom inhibitors is not a wise choice
Because it ignores more serious potential immune and inflammatory problems.
By taking a more proactive attitude, by eating, reducing stress and health supplements, we can reduce many allergic reactions and improve our overall health in the process.
Nothing to sneeze!
LAc ms md Isaac Eliaz combines Western medicine with his extensive knowledge of Chinese traditions, Tibet, Ayurvedic, homeopathic and complementary medical systems.
More than 25 years of clinical experience and research, PhD.
Eliaz has a unique holistic approach to health and disease, immune enhancement, detoxification, and the relationship between cancer prevention and treatment.
For more information about his work, please visit dreliaz. org.
For more information about Maria Rodale, please visit www.
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