TIME's 25 Best Inventions of 2017: Interview with Yogi Goswami, who invented air purifier that kills bacteria, viruses - personal air purifier

by:Yovog     2019-08-14
TIME\'s 25 Best Inventions of 2017: Interview with Yogi Goswami, who invented air purifier that kills bacteria, viruses  -  personal air purifier
Yogi Goswami is currently a professor at the University of Florida and immigrated from Delhi to the United States in 1990.
A few months later, he found out that his son Dillip had asthma.
Therefore, he began to seek solutions to air pollution in the world.
Yogi Goswami is currently a professor at the University of Florida and immigrated from Delhi to the United States in 1990.
A few months later, he found out that his son Dillip had asthma.
Therefore, he began to seek solutions to air pollution in the world.
While the existing air purifiers only capture harmful contaminants, he invented a device to take the idea further and destroy them completely.
Yogi's air purifier, called Molekule, can destroy allergens, mold, bacteria and viruses, and remove tiny pollutants 1,000 times smaller than ordinary air purifiers.
Molekule has a place in Time magazine's "25 Best Inventions of 2017.
Mr. Goswami specifically spoke to Mr. WION about his journey and what prompted him to invent a way to replace existing air purifiers.
Have you ever thought that your product will be selected as the 25 best innovations in 2017 and you never know when someone will take you as a winner.
Although I know this technology will help a lot of people.
It has helped many people in the United States.
By the way, it started with helping my son, and I am very grateful to Time magazine for rating us as the top 25 inventions.
You said everything started with your son.
Can you elaborate on that? I am a researcher and scientist in solar energy.
I have done a lot of work in this field.
The invention was made for personal needs.
My son has asthma.
To prevent allergies, we can only control what he can eat.
Later, we found that there were triggers in the air, and there was nothing we could do about it.
That's when I started working on air purifiers.
We tried a lot, but we did not succeed.
After I gave up on the market and started thinking about the solar technology I developed.
I started my research in this field.
It took me a long time, but I did develop the technology.
At first it helped a lot of people in my family and then we decided to bring it to the market.
What's the difference between this purifier and the one on the market: all the other purifiers just filter the air.
They filter dust particles.
You can make them tighter and tighter, but they can only be filtered to a certain size.
There are a lot of things in the air that will cause problems for us.
Viruses and bacteria are hard to stop.
The exhaust gas emitted by the car and other exhaust gas in the building pass through the filter.
The technology breaks them down into good products.
The fungal pores on the filter begin to grow.
The technology breaks them down into basic benign products.
Your innovation is a great science.
Please break down how your product works for our readers. We have a filter on which we apply nan catalyst.
When the light falls on the nano-catalyst, the reaction begins.
Any organic molecule passes through it and it turns into carbon dioxide and water.
It's expensive when we talk about your technology.
Rs 51,000 per piece.
Even in the middle is difficult.
I understand and feel that in the end we need to take it to a level so that it can be used by those who need it, not just by those who can afford it.
The cost is because of the cost of making the product.
The final cost may drop and it can be reduced by scaling.
I am very hopeful that it will decline in the future, but it needs to continue to operate today.
The air purifier is the answer to air pollution or is it just an emergency solution we can't do anything about outdoor air pollution.
Given that we have outdoor pollution, at least we can adjust the interior so we can breathe clean air.
Can this technology have a larger version, such as the smog tower installed in Beijing to clean the polluted outdoor air, can not be cleaned by installing the tower, I think this is not feasible, because of our renewable energy and solar technology.
We found in the United States that indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air.
Some contaminants are starting to concentrate indoors, which is why this product has become so useful in the US.
You are saying that in the United States, indoor air may be more polluted than outdoor air, and outdoor air is cleaner than in India and China.
The building is closed, which is why the contaminants are stuck inside.
With internal cooling, contaminants start to gather, which is why indoor air in the United States is much more polluted than outdoor air.
How countries like India deal with air pollution. The air in Delhi is really polluted and harmful to health.
In the long run, some of the effects of this pollution will emerge.
The outdoor air needs to be cleaned and the solution needs to be looked.
Solar energy may be more expensive, but not more expensive than your health. .
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