tighten up that sagging neck - at home skin tightening devices

by:Yovog     2021-06-27
tighten up that sagging neck  -  at home skin tightening devices
As we grow older, we all lose the closeness we once had. defined neck.
As the neck begins to drooping, this is one of the most annoying signs of facial aging in many patients.
There are a variety of treatment strategies that vary depending on the age of a person and how much looseness is present.
One of the most common signs of aging is the beginning of drooping of the neck.
What used to be a well
Define and tighten the neck to start falling.
This is very troublesome for both men and women.
The neck is gradually plump, the loose and drooping skin, the development of the vertical band, the large amount of horizontal wrinkles appearing in the neck and the loss of good neck pointed angles all attract the eyes of patients and others.
Like aging around the eyes, it is very troublesome to lose a young neck.
It is important to initially determine what is wrong with the neck to match the best plastic surgery solution.
Young patients usually just start with a full neck and a little jowling.
Simple liposuction and gathering
Among these young patients, up may be all that is needed.
In these cases, I used a separate fat dissolution injection, if the patient was able to endure the temporary swelling after eacj injection and get the final result within 3 to 4 months, I have achieved good results.
More complete cosmetic surgery (neck-jowl lift)
It is more suitable for elderly patients with loose skin.
With the help of mirrors, it is very important to have thorough discussions and consultations with plastic surgeons.
Choosing which operation works best for you will depend on your good understanding of the changes you want to see and what you are willing to get through.
There are some different considerations for the aging neck of men.
They often have more excess skin, and cosmetic cuts used by women have to be changed to explain the male beard pattern.
In addition, men's thicker and heavier skin will relax their neck skin after surgery.
Men also have a greater aversion to major cosmetic surgeries and may choose another type of surgery called a direct neck lift.
This dramatic neck plastic surgery can produce a sharp neck angle. . .
The midline scar extending from below the chin to the Adam Apple area is trade --
Free from this simple but very effective neck surgery.
This could be a good deal for some older men
This scar usually gets good because of how good the hair is
Scar Treatment with skin
In the aging neck, young patients can get through with some limited surgery, such as fat dissolution, liposuction, skin tightening device treatment, or some limited neck operation.
Older neck (> 50 years old)
To significantly improve, more invasive cosmetic methods are required for loose skin.
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