This Music Teacher Played His Saxophone While In Brain Surgery - best electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2021-10-09
This Music Teacher Played His Saxophone While In Brain Surgery  -  best electric toothbrush
Dan Fabbio, 25, was pursuing a master's degree in music education when he stopped listening to music in stereo.
Music no longer feels the same way about him.
When he was diagnosed with a brain tumor, he was immediately worried about cancer.
Fortunately, his tumor is benign.
Unfortunately, it is located in a part of the brain and is active when people listen to music and do music.
Fabbio told his surgeon that music is the most important thing in his life.
This is his passion and his profession.
His surgeon understood.
His passion has been mapping the brain so that he can help patients retain as much function as possible. Dr.
Web Pilcher, head of neurosurgery at the University of Rochester Medical Center, and his colleague, cognitive neuroscientist Brad Mahon, developed a brain map program.
Since 2011, they have used the program to treat a wide range of brain cancer patients: mathematicians, lawyers, bus drivers, furniture manufacturers.
Fabio was their first musician.
The idea behind this project is to learn as much about the patient's life and the patient's brain as possible before surgery to minimize the damage to it during surgery.
"Removing a tumor from the brain can have significant consequences due to its location," Pilcher said . ".
"The tumor itself and the surgery to remove the tumor will damage the tissue and damage the communication between different parts of the brain.
"Before Fabbio's surgery, it's important to know which parts of his brain are responsible for his musical abilities.
Mahon told everything that was considered host Robert Siegel that the team spent six months studying the functional and structural organization of Fabbio's brain.
"We have a lot of experience with map language in the left hemisphere," Mahon said . ".
"This is the first time we have tried to map music. . .
In the right hemisphere
"Mahon, in collaboration with Elizabeth Marvin, professor of music theory at the Eastman School of Music at the University of Rochester, designed a series of music tests for Fabbio.
They asked him to listen to the piano melody and snorted as he received a functional MRI scan.
Between the two melodies, he listened and repeated a few words.
By scanning, researchers can accurately locate areas of Fabbio's brain that are critical to music and language processing.
From these scans, they produced a three
Dimension map of Fabbio brain
This map is a guide for Pilcher and his medical team during the surgery in July 2016.
Not only was Fabbio awake, but he did a music and language test again, and this time his brain was exposed.
Marvin in the operating room scored in Real tests
Help the surgeon determine which areas need to be avoided.
After his tumor was removed, Fabbio saxophone was given.
Lying beside him, he played a song he had prepared for that moment.
Out of concern that a deep breath required for a long note may cause his brain to protrude from the skull, Fabbio and Marvin chose a Korean folk song and modified it, so he can breathe shallow.
"He played it perfectly and when he finished playing, the whole operating room burst into applause," Marvin said . ".
"It makes you want to cry.
"As a musician, Fabbio has always had an extraordinary talent: when he brushes his teeth with an electric toothbrush, he hears head melodies that align with the buzz of the toothbrush.
But this stopped when his tumor appeared.
Then one day, about a month after his brain surgery, Fabbio was brushing his teeth and suddenly the harmony came back.
"At that time he realized that his brain had completely recovered," Pilcher said . ".
A study published Thursday in the journal Contemporary Biology details the Fabbio case.
Justin Kenning, producer of all the things considered, contributed to the story.
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