thief wrote christmas ‘shopping list’ for trainers, pillows and lamb chops - oral b electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2021-09-30
thief wrote christmas ‘shopping list’ for trainers, pillows and lamb chops  -  oral b electric toothbrush
Police recovered a Christmas shopping list prepared by a thief for customers.
The note was found in the handbag of the nameless thief as she was trying to steal from a Debenhams in the center of Swindon Town.
The suspect managed to get away, but she will write her holiday list again.
The list shows that a person named "colleague" wants a girl from the age of 5 to 6, a medium gray coat, and lamb chops or steaks.
Another pair of colleagues known as "high P and tasha" are pursuing Gucci perfumes, while "jimmy" wants medium and large sportswear, men's sports shoes on the 7 th, 9 th and 10 th and
Other stolen items include Dyson hair dryer, oral electric toothbrush, "deluxe pillow" and Yankee Candle.
Paul Bezzant admitted that the theft was a problem in Swindon, and the police tried to stop them.
Officials are in contact with bars, he said, a typical gathering place to exchange money for stolen goods to help stop Bezzant's practice. "These lists are clearly prepared for those who ordered the stolen goods.
They are characterized by the name or nickname of the recipient and where they go out or agree to meet the thief.
"The message we send to anyone considering theft for themselves or others is that the consequences of receiving or dealing with stolen goods are serious-you may be put in jail.
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