these swamp creatures serve a purpose... and need our help - air cleaner

by:Yovog     2023-02-10
these swamp creatures serve a purpose... and need our help  -  air cleaner
The term "drainage swamp" goes back decades to refer to the changing bureaucracy, which means that the swamp is a stagnant, unpopular place.
In fact, the productivity of the swamp is very high.
The swamps of the Middle East are the gospel of agriculture and human society and are considered the birthplace of civilization.
Only 5% in mainland AmericaS.
It is composed of wetlands, but they are almost the home of a wetland.
Mike Hardy, a biologist at the University of montevalo, Alabama, said by email that the third of all our plant species, and the third more rare and endangered plant and animal species.
What is the swamp?
What kind of animals live in them, how do they make the world a better place?
A swamp is a type of wetland characterized by woody vegetation including trees or shrubs, says little Elliot White. , a Ph. D.
Candidate for the University of Florida Basin Eco Lab, studying the swamps along the northern Gulf of Mexico.
He said that the old swamps, which had never been cut down or converted into farmland, sometimes had the feeling of a cathedral, because the trees were high and separated by wide spaces, like pillars in a cathedral.
White said, for example, in the swamp of Quanzhou Park, Florida's Hainiu, even on the most sunny days, it is cool and dark.
Dark, creepy reptiles, inability to get close can lead to the swamp not getting credit for all the good things they do.
Louisiana's black bear is once listed as the natural red list of the International Union for the Protection of Nature and Natural Resources, and white.
But the species has been restored since the marsh was restored.
Swamps White says the swamp gives them a place to roam freely without having to cross the road or interact with people in a dangerous way.
In the same way, deer and Ducks often hang out in the swamp because hunters don't.
Christine Angelini, a conservation ecologist at the University of Florida, said by email that microorganisms have improved water quality.
She says they do this by removing excess nitrogen from the water.
In addition, the common Spanish moss in the swamp makes our air cleaner by removing particles from the air.
It also has animals such as bats and spiders, which control the number of diseases.
They carry mosquitoes and cockroaches, Angelini said.
In addition, swamps are home to many turtle species that clean up carrion as part of their diet, such as spotted turtles on the east coast of the United States and the Great Lakes regionS.
In addition, many larger filters
The feed, such as Qingkou, lives at the bottom of the swamp and cleans up the water suspended from organic remains, hardiger said.
Al-Ebenezer swamp relies on Beaver, and Beaver's dam creates dead water areas where many other creatures can live, he says, leading the Ebenezer Swamp wetland
A beaver builds a river and forms a pond.
White says it creates an open water component that is particularly important in places like Texas that have experienced the recent extreme drought.
These ponds serve as fountain for local wildlife. âx80x9d (
Related: amazing picture in the last wetland wilderness in Africa)
Insects that require aquatic eggs, such as dragonflies and mosquitoes they eat, provide food for birds, fish, amphibians, bats and other insects. (
Watch: The Secret World of dragonflies)
Not only is the wetland ugly or ominous, but it also provides a wealth of natural beauty that can soothe the broken hearts of typical modern societies, said hardiger.
No one has ever said so well to politics.
We are voting for the swamp.
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