the utility of intensified environmental surveillance for pathogenic moulds in a stem cell transplantation ward during construction work to monitor the efficacy of hepa filtration - portable hepa air filter

by:Yovog     2023-01-27
the utility of intensified environmental surveillance for pathogenic moulds in a stem cell transplantation ward during construction work to monitor the efficacy of hepa filtration  -  portable hepa air filter
A 12-
A week-long environmental study was conducted to ensure high-
Air Efficiency of particles (HEPA)
There is still no mold contamination during filtration.
Construction works.
Sampling included measurement of ventilation Channel pressure in the patient's oral and nasal cavity, particle count measurement, air sampling, dust analysis of sedimentation, and fungal culture.
There is no change in air pressure.
The median particle count in the patient's room was 63-420 granules/L.
The average number of particles in the external air is 173 u2009 659 particles/l.
Ward air samples were negative in 32 of 33 patients.
All samples of external air are positive for mold.
At the beginning of the excavation work in the construction area, two of the dust samples in 33 wards were separated.
All 70 nasal specimens were negative.
Of the 35 oral samples, 1 sample A was positive.
Niger, a patient previously diagnosed with fungal infection.
During median follow-up
During the 214 day period, among the 55 patients treated during the construction period, no invasive hepatitis B infection was diagnosed.
All in all, the HEPA filter appears to be performing well in preventing the outbreak of Qufu.
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