the smarter way to stay warm this winter - hepa air purifier

by:Yovog     2020-05-01
the smarter way to stay warm this winter  -  hepa air purifier
Technology accessory manufacturers Belkin and Jarden Consumer Solutions have teamed up to create an air purifier and room heater that can be remotely controlled and programmed via a smartphone or tablet.
Belkin's WeMo platform is a very simple and effective way to connect more and more devices and appliances to the Internet through wi-
Fi and provide them with appsbased controls.
In the latest version of the platform, Holmes smart air purifier with WeMo works just like any other HEPA air purifier ---
It can ionize the air and reduce odor.
However, with the help of a smartphone, users can program on and off, create daily and weekly schedules, and change content such as fan and ion generator settings.
The air purifier will also push notifications about the filter life to the app and prompt the user when changes are needed.
Sherlock Holmes smart heater--1000-watt and 1500-watt --
With WeMo enabled, it is possible to program with a weekly or daily schedule and remotely turn off or reopen anywhere in the world via the app, as long as the user's smartphone or tablet has an Internet connection.
This not only makes the heater more energy efficient--
There is no need to leave them all day or all night-
When the owners think they have left the house and the heating is still running, they will never experience this panic.
"In winter, when it's cold outside, what you really want to do is snuggle up in the fire, in the home environment ---
Temperature and air quality--
It's becoming more and more important, "said Ohad Zeira, director of product management at WeMo.
"In the past, in order to get back to a comfortable home at night, you had to have the equipment running all day, which was dangerous, wasteful and expensive, but with WeMo, you can set up a schedule or program on your way home and only create a comfortable home environment when you need it.
"Sherlock Holmes smart air purifiers are now sold in the United States for $199. 1000 and 99-
The Watts heater costs $149. 99 (
Add another $50 to the 1500-ticketwatt version)
When they went public in the middleDecember.
The WeMo app also works for all existing WeMo-
Enabled devices and appliances can download Android and iOS devices free of charge from Google Play and App Store respectively.
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