the secrets of skin rejuvenation - times of india - skin rejuvenation at home

by:Yovog     2021-07-14
the secrets of skin rejuvenation - times of india  -  skin rejuvenation at home
There are obvious signs of aging in the mouth and neck, such as small wrinkles, creases and sagging areas, which is not inevitable.
According to scientists at the University of Michigan, they are caused by decomposition within the skin, and some treatments are overcome by stimulating the growth of new young collagen.
This study, based on studies since the beginning of 1990, explains why the three available skin treatments are effective: local vitamin A acid, carbon dioxide laser surface repair, and cross-injection
Link hyaluronic acid
These treatments improve the appearance of the skin
And the ability to resist bruises and tears.
By stimulating new collagen.
Collagen is an important supporting substance, rich in young skin, in Asia
The skin surface known as genuine leather. The U-
M survey results show that a very important factor in skin aging is the collapse of skin tissue, the young structure
It is much simpler than the genetic factors that others might be involved in theory.
"It's not a gene injection for the fiber cells," said John J . "
U disk of Voorhees
Cooperation between M medical school and this articleauthor.
Fiber-forming cells in the skin are the main producers of collagen.
We have shown that if you allow more collagen to enter, it will provide an environment for the restoration and production of more collagen by the adult fiber cells. ��� he added. Worris and cooperationauthors Gary J.
Your Fisher and James Varani
I hope these findings will help people make informed decisions in multiple hype. billion-dollar anti-
Aging products industry.
"We want to educate clinicians about what they have discovered and what it means to improve people's appearance," Voorhees said . ".
The findings are published in the dermatology archives.
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