the pros and cons of air conditioners - electrostatic air filter

by:Yovog     2020-09-27
the pros and cons of air conditioners  -  electrostatic air filter
With the heat of the summer, in order to keep people cool, the air conditioner will explode completely in office buildings and homes.
They provide gratifying relief for hot weather and provide obvious solutions to prevent high temperature
Related diseases and deaths
But without proper cleaning and maintenance, the air conditioning system itself can cause health problems.
Here's what you need to know about the health pros and cons of air conditioning and how to use it safely: Pro: according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, missing Virginia Beach shooting protesters in Connecticut state mother interrupted Harris, "Air
Regulation is the number one protection factor against Heat
Related diseases and deaths, "the problem claimed hundreds of lives in the United States. S. each year.
The most vulnerable to high temperature
The associated disease is a child under 4 years of age, an adult over 65 years of age, an overweight person and a sick person or someone taking certain medications.
To help reduce risk, doctors recommend drinking more water in the summer and staying in the air conditioning area during the hottest hours of the day.
Con: air conditioning for bacteria, mold and fungi can be a breeding place for bacteria and fungi to grow.
When cold air is circulating in the device, moisture accumulates in the coil and fan blade from condensation.
If it is not controlled, things like mold and fungus will accumulate and blow into the air.
These microorganisms may lead to some respiratory problems, including pneumonia and legion disease, a severe inflammation of the lungs caused by bacteria known as legion bacteria.
In order to keep mold particles in the air to a minimum level, keep the humidity in the home between 35 and 50% (
Air conditioning or dehumidifier may be required in a hot and humid climate).
Solve the problem of water leakage
They can promote the growth of mold after the wall and under the floor.
IStockphoto Pro: Studies have shown that air conditioning can help people with allergies or asthma relieve allergies and asthma.
According to the Mayo Clinic, air conditioning can help filter out pollen in the air from trees, grass and weeds to prevent pollen from spreading indoors.
The air conditioner also reduces the indoor humidity and reduces the growth of dust and mold.
Con: Sick Building Syndrome air conditioning can cause sick building syndrome, a variety of situations that come with the time spent in certain indoor environments.
Symptoms may include dizziness, dry throat, itchy eyes and nausea.
A study in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine found that "air-conditioned buildings are often more prone to symptoms than natural ventilation buildings.
"A small study found that HEPA and carbon air filtration systems may help reduce symptoms and increase productivity.
To make sure your air conditioner stays cool and healthy this summer, make sure you clean or replace the air filter regularly.
Check if the exhaust fan is working properly.
Do not store paint, detergent or other chemicals near air conditioning, heating or ventilation systems, as it spreads dangerous smoke throughout the house.
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