The Original Toothbrush: Seeds! - best toothbrush in the world

by:Yovog     2022-04-14
The Original Toothbrush: Seeds!  -  best toothbrush in the world
Bad breathing and brown teeth are a bad form in our society, and obviously our ancestors feel the same way.
The researchers found that even prehistoric humans and the earliest civilizations, whether they were cleaning their teeth, breathing fresh, or both, had some kind of oral hygiene.
Although they were not aware of this at the time, dental plaque was the only cause of disease in human teeth and gums.
Bad things happen when plaque builds up, like rotten teeth and gums.
Checking the plaque has always been a difficult task, so early people tried to help with tools.
In the Middle East, the first toothbrush to be used was gum called miswak.
Other cultures around the world also use chewing gum.
Depending on where you are in the world, there may be a local tree with the right things to help you clean your teeth.
After chewing, the worn fibers on the branches, like modern toothbrushes, are used along the teeth and gums.
Some branches even have chemical properties that help prevent tooth decay.
Seeds were also used in the fight against poor oral health.
Sesame seeds can help reduce plaque when you chew sesame seeds, and fennel seeds can help breathe fresh.
In the Middle Ages, after dinner, people used coriander, fennel and fennel seeds to make a confitt that was used to clean the mouth and breathe.
Even today, some Indian restaurants still offer candied gourd seeds after dinner for the same reason.
This is something to smile!
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